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Classified Ads

Stars are the best Stars that money can bny. A sample car will completely convince you. And we claim that they make a better roof than any material other than wood.

Saginaw Clears, Perfects and Perfections are wonderful grades. We would like to mix some with your next order for Stars.

(Continued from page 14) fair to the men who work with you-will pay them what they are worth-will be considerate in your treatment of them-that you will be inteiested in their welfare.-and vou will be sympathetic and just at'atl times. It means also, that you will be as honest in your buying as you are in your sellins.

In dealing with a salesman representin? a houq! having a definite policy and a rigid one-price system, you will not attempt to have him deviate either from his'authorized prices or the established policy of the firm. Many a good salesman his lost his job because of this sort of thing.

- .In dealing with your own employees, be krnd. and sympathetic, and helpful; keep- ing in mind that these men like-yourselves, 216 fiurnxn-have the same feelings that vou have and are interested in the same thines that you are. If they make mistakes. poi-nt them out kindly. If they are in trouble. show them that you are interested. If vou do this, I will guarantee that you will- be grven every ounce of effort, of loyalty, and




. APRIL 6, 1925


1:30 P.M.

Tournament will be on Handicap Basis. All lumbermen invitedBring your Golfing Lumber Friends


AT 7:00 P.M.


For those not members of the Claremont Country Club there will be a green fee of $2.00. Dinner and Entertainment $3.50.

A BIG TIME FOR EVERYBODY of enthqsiasm of which the individuat is capable.-i.think that Roger Babson, thl great statistician, hit the bull's eye when he said: "That the greatest forces in business are the spiritual forces," and as a foundation on which to "build a business that lasts." no better. can be found than that uttered bv the lowly Nazarene nearly two thousan? years ago:

"Therefore, whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do -ye even so unto them."

An Oddity

. Nearly every mill or factory has its stories and legends of unusual incidents- that happen from time to time. As. yeals pass the old timers often indulge in the "L remember" etc., and thise tales are told over and over. This story is not a legend, noi is the writer one of the old timers. It is interesting chiefly because of its recent date.

The Louisville Veneer Mills at Louisville, Ky., manufacturers of veneer and plywood, operate a complete band saw mill for the production of flitches, and for splitting logs to produce what is kn6wn as rotary cut half round veneer. Nearly all of their famous brand of Blue Limestone Walnut is produced by this method, and it was in connection with this that this somewhat unusual incident occurred. A 1.!y choice waln_ut log.was.dogge-d in place and _the carriage

A very cnorce watnut log was dogged rn and the moved forward smoothly and swiftly, the saw cutting its way thiu its way thiu the -very heart of tl_.e log. _Nothing unusual about t-hat, buf when rne very nearr or tne rog. Notntng that, but the_lo-g was "backed out" of_-the saw, and the loose "half" {ropped back back by the nigger, the sunlight shone full upon the freshlv Jawn face of the half log dogged to the carriage, and it reminded-one ol the half log reminded one of one of those cold clear nights there in Kentucky when a million stars are visible. From one end of the log to th-e other, sprinkled all over tle surface, shone hundreds of glittering spots, som-e large, some _smbll. {n _axe, was used to- chop. out one of the spots, and ii turned_ out to be lead, then one of the larger ones was chopped out and_when separated. from the surrounding wood, it was found to be a slightly flattened lead "Minie ball," the kind t a Iead "Minie that was used durinc the,p-eriod_of the civil war in this country. Considering the positioi of this ball, and some of the others close to the heart of thiiwalnut of of this-watnut log, the tree must have been well over a hundred years old. and when just a young sapling it had evidently been riddled with lead.

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