4 minute read
Legislature Tables Lien Law Amendments
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, announces that Senate Bills 642 and.643 and Assembly Bills 581 and 585, which were amendments to the Lien Law, were all tabled in Committee during the last Legislature Session. The State Association carried on an extensive campaign to.prevent the passage of these bills. Those who attended the Legislature sessions and worked diligently to prevent the passage of the above bills were: C. W. Pinkerton, President of the California Retail
Lumbermen's Association, Whittiet; J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co. and Chairman of the Legislative-Committee of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento; Herbert Stone, Manager of the Building Material Dealers Association, Los Angeles; Glen Behymer, Los Angeles; and Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the California F.etaii Lumberm6n's Association, San Francisco. Mrs. Fraser states that of the eleven bills amending the Lien Law that were presented before the Legislature, only two passed, and these were agreeable to the State Association.
"Past Snark" Day Big Success at / Los Angeles
H.r*"r, L. Rosenberg, immediate Past Snark of the Los Angeles District, presidld at the first Annual Past Snarks Day, at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club luncheon, on March 26th.
Herman did it up brown, as he generally does, and the party was a huge success.
Seventy-five were in attendance. Herman first introduced Los Angeles District's first Vicegerent, R. A. Forsythe, who was given an enthusiastic "Nine," as the father of Hoo Hoo in Southern California. Brother Forsvthe made a short talk on the order, regretting that he wai no longer in the lumber business to be able to become more active in the various events that were held, and in which he was very much interested.
Dave Woodhead was then spoken of by the Chairman, and the president of the Club was called-upon to act for him. Brother Woodhead was unable to attind the meeting, account the serious illness of his brother. A very beautiful letter was read, written by Dave. and addressed to Herman. He said in part:

"I wish you would convey to the boys for me how much I personally appreciate at this time the many friendships which it has been my privilege and joy to form in my association with my fellow-lumbermen in Hoo Hoo. You will have a big meeting I know, and when we look back only three short years to the time when four or five of us gathered together in Hoffman's Cafe, we realize what Hoo Hoo has done in developing a true spirit of fraternity and brotherhood.
"Business is not so good these days but we have much to be grateful for in being permitted to be members of that great fraternity whose business it is to create homes from the growing trees; grateful for being permitted to live in Southern Californial- and.to be graleiul for the weekly meetings of the brethren in the IIoo Hoo Club.', - Curtis Williams, the next Snark in this district, was then introduQed. He responded with some well chosen remarks on_the Order, as did the present incumbent, Frank Curran.
Herman had advertised- that he would produce a number of beautiful members of his family at -this meeting, all nieces. This was no doubt promptid by the huge sulcess made by Dave Woodhead list year, at-a similai meeting, when his niece appeared, and delighted the meeting wiih oanclng,
Herman's first nieces were two very agile and attractive young _misses about ten _years of agd w6o played various musical instruments, and sang-
At the drawing of the Attendance Prize, J. A. Thomas, the winner, was told that he would be awardld a kiss from Ilerman's favorite niece. The Chairman then introduced two more winsome young ladies, about five years of age, i.n_d Jack expressed all evidences of pleasure.- The youth- ful entertainers made a tremendoui trit with the- bovs. They_ sang and danced for some time and were given rounds of applause.
The Golf Committee reported on the coming Tournament to be held at the Hollvwood Country CluF on Tuesday, April 7th. Chairman Frank Connelly is expectine at least seventy-five of Southern Qalifornia'i best ind w-orst golfers to be on hand at this affair.
President Hart told the meeting of the action taken last week by the Board of Directors, 1n response to an appeal ,from Henry Isherwood, for relief funds, for the surviiors from the terrible catastrophe in Southern Illinois and Indiana. The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club sent Henry a check for $50.00, and the amount was fully subscribed at this meeting.
Jack Whitney was announced as chairman for the next meeting, April 2nd.
We know that size is not everything with either man or institution; ability to produce results being the true test.
But a good big man is always better than a good little man, and we try to combine quality with a size that assures you of our ability to give service.
This information is worth putting in your files.
'We operate three sawmills, producing fifty million feet of hardwoods, and eighteen million feet of pine lumber annually.

We cut over forty-four acres of timber land daily.
Because of equipment for that purpose' we can give you any size and any length of hardwood timbers.
We have facilities for re-sawing, planing, and kiln drying any kind of lumber.
And we certify our piid. in our lumber by putting our mark on every stick.
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