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tho bl wo ';ll' o I o shindes
HERE is a logical, practical way to do everythin-g7 even the r.-tolfittg problem has become a simplified, economical operaiion due to the completely satisfactory development of Pioneer Yosemite Asphalt Shingles.
These practical shingles eliminate the old, wasteful method-of re-roofing. The mis-spent time ind efiort to tear ofi the old shingles, clean them up and haul ih"- away is now a needless expense.
Pioneer Yosemite Asphalt Shingles go right over the- old wood shingles without an hour lost ln t.rr"""J"ury preparation. This alone effects a bis s.virre. but their real economy is the result of long, trouble-fre€ servi-g; M"i. of red, green, blue, black or golden brown crushed stone, from Yosemite, laid-over a high quality asphalt base, -their protective armor and natural colors are as enduring as the stone itself.
All lumber, building material and hardware dealers sell them_ becaus-e they are in gr"ui d.*uttJ fot new roofs as well as for economical re-roofing.
Klamath Falls Plants Start Season's Cut
The sawmill of the Modoc Lumber Company, which is now.controll.ed by the L. B. Menefee Lumbir iompany of Portland, will reopen soon. Both the sawmill jnd -the planing mill have been completely overhauled. The saw_ mill has been electrified. Dry kiln facilities sufficieni to handle the shop and selects allo have been added. . The Mgdgg plant is equipped with a jig gang-saw. The logs are sta,bbed to a square cant on the head rig, and then run 1!1o^rgh the ga-ng-iaw. The plant is expecled to turn out 12.O@0 per shif.t. About 100 hen will bi emploved at th.e.mill, planing. mill, dry kilns, and in the yard whin the mlll rs tn operatron.
The logging camp of the Modoc company, with a force
Manufactured By
And Dirtributcd By
315 Produce BIdg., Los Angeler BRoadway 1496
S^A,MUEL of 100 men, is at present turning out sufficient timber to run the mill one shift.
The Pelican Bay Lumber Company have started both shifts in its mill. The mill, wittr its two head rigs and double horizontal resarv, will ar.erage better than i60,000 per eight-hour shift.
A very high percentage of last year's crew is in the mill qgain, for Pelican holds as many of its men as possible during the Winter shutdown.
Ed Rideout is day foreman. Earl Tilton will have charge oi tbg mill nights, JoL" Dreher and Jack McCand_ liss, on the big rig.,.and Alex Tilton and Hariy Asplund on the pony .rig, will sarv again this season, peiiodically cnangtng shttts.
-The sawmill plant of the Chiloquin Lumber Company, rvhich commenced operations Marih 2nd, began receivins lggular.shipments of logs from the camp sii miles frori Chiloquin Wednesday. -Ground conditions slowed up the loading considerably. About sixty men are employid at the camp.
A very.considerable addition to the equipment of the compan_y- is the new remanufacturing plairt -and box fac- tory, which is now in process of construction. A matcher will be installed about April 15th and the company will run their own finish for the structure.
-Th_e.gqujn_ment of the plant when complete will consist, of a 54-inch band saw, a band rip, two taniem turn resaws, four cutoffs, a cleat machine, j handhold machine, and a two-color printer.
The Wheeler-Olmstead Lumber Company's mill is receiving r-egular shipments of logs from its camps on upper Iake, and unusually large cut ire being made. The riritt has been operatilg since the latter part-of February.
During the Winter repair period- Wheeler-Olmsiead installed a new carriage, which is equipped with air dogs.
John Woodhead Passes Away At Los Angeles
Mr. John Woodhead, elder brother of David Woodhead, of Los Angeles, passed away at the latter's home on the afternoon of March 26th, following a short illness, a result of an operation performed at his home in Kansas City.
The deceased had been visiting in Southern California for a few weeks, going there after a prolonged illness, and his sudden death came as a very sad shock to all of his many friends in all parts of the country.
Mr. Woodhead was head of the Employers Indemnity Company of Kansas City.