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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo will play Golf
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club will hold the third of nardino,. Les Finley, Redlands and E. D. Franz, San this year's r".i?r i} Golf Tourn"r*"t., at the Hollvwood Bernardino Country Club, on April 7th.
Phil B. Hart, of the "California Lumber Merchant." made Announcements to this.enect have been.maled br.
Golf Committee Chairman, Frank M. Connelly of the Wogd- of which he is president. head Lumber,Company, and reservations alr.eady made indicate a record attendance, in competition for tha 16 prizes Brother M. R. Standish made a big hit with an address that are being offered !y the committee, in addition io the o_n "Advertising." He gave the boys- facts and figures on cup donate$- by p. J. Stanton & Son, owncrship of which this important subject ihat were trighty interesti-ng, and will be decided at this affair. supplemented his talk with a number-of-funny "yaris."
Frank has .arrang_ed for the use of the Hollywood Club The date and place of their next rneeting will be an- for all day, giving the boys.a chance to get an extra eight- nounced later. .een holes. The entrance fee of $5.00 includes the gieen iee and evening di";;;.--
citrus Bert Hoo Hoo cr,,b orr," rt"d;"fiil,T"1T,]*},"*1ll1jffi;
The organization meeting of the Citrus Belt Hoo "."" il*.'"J'il"-!;1t'"B.ilStl,"HJ.-cii'l,igia at the 6akland Club, comprised of membe"rs from all cities in Riverside Hotel on March 18. .Hit subject was "'Why is an Astronand San liernardino Counties, was at the Etks Club, San omer?" Professor T.insley, who has clrqrg6 of the Chabot Bernardino, on the night of March 2oth. Observato-ry at Oakland,-stated that this-observatory hasThe president of the Club, Mr. Roy L. Sandefur of the the second largest telescope on the Pacific Coast, which is g"rry"iq !o-n.,-co* p^nyinrlpidedl He introduced the
Board of Directors, and other officers: vice-President, A' pra-ctical uses of astronomy were interesting and instructive D. White, Riverside; Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Pineo, ind his addr,ess was very much injoyed by the large gathering.
President Hugh W. Hogan presided over the business session of the meeting. It was voted to change the meet!"g' dly to the_third Friday of the month, the meetings to be held at the Oakland Hotel. Frank Trower read the-Hoo Hoo Code of Ethics, and the balance of the business session was confined to a report o{ the various committees. Milton Hendrickson, was the Chairman of the Day, aird an excellent rnusical program was given by Chai. Lloyd, who sang several solos with Edgar Thorpe acting as accom- t?':.T,iff,
Mlr & Lumber co., was appointed to act as chairman of the day at the next ineeting.
Hoo Hoo Club No.9 Golf Tournament
The first annual Golf Tournament of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 (orginally scheduled for January) will be held at Claremont Country Club, Oakland, on Monday afternoon, April 6th. The Golf tournament will commence at 1:30 and witl be followed by an informal dinner and entertainment, scheduled for 7:00.P. M.
The tournament will be,on a handicap basis so that the beginner will have as much chance to win as the veteran. Handsome trophies will be awarded to the winner and runner up and there will also be special prizes to be announced later. For those who are not members of Claremont Country Club there will be a green fee of $2.00 and the cost of the dinner and entertainment will be $3.50.
The Committee anr\ounce that the tournament is open to all lumbermen regardless of whether or not they are members of Hoo Hoo, so please make arrangements not only to be present yourself but to bring with you all of your golfing lumbermen friends. There will be plenty of caddies as this date falls during the school spring vacation.
Visalia, California, March l2th. 1925
Dear Mr. Dernier:
Enclosed herewith find copy of the Circular that we are using in connection with your Monthly Bulletin.
We find these Bulletins are going to be a valuable adjunct to our advertising plan.
Wish you would increase our Monthly Order from 1,000 to 1,250.
I like your heading very much, and wish you would consider this, now, our standard equipment.
Wishing you Success in this new venture, I remain with kindest regardq
Yours truly,
R. Spalding, President.
To: Mr. Floyd A. Dernier, c/o Lumbermen's Service Ass'n., Cor. 3rd & Hill Sts., Los Angeles, Califomia.

This is but one of many letters we have received from dealers showing their appreciation of our efforts in making these monthly folders or enclosures possible. If you are not using them write for prices.
Shakespeare came back to earth one day fn nineteen twenty and five, And he really seemed as he looked about Quite happy to be alive.
"Glad f came up," he said with a smile, " 'Tis a wonderful age and day; But I'm expecting a dear friend down, Her name is Ann Hathaway."
Well, Ann came down as they had planned, They met by a garden wall; "I faith," said she, "Gadzooks !" said he "Wny, dear, we've not changed at all !"
After the first tender greetings were o'er They sought for a house to rent, But when they learned what a house would cost There was nothing to do but lament.
So William went down and Ann went up- They couldn't afford to stay; "Methinks it was never like this," quoth Bill, '"In our illustrious day."
Eut before they left for regions afar, Ere the twain had tearfully parted, I heard Ann say, "\ll/e'll return anon, Dear William be not down-hearted."
"But before I come from my home above And you from your place below, We'll prepare, I wot, for this modern lifeWe'll build here a bungalow."
This wonderful age, and a HOME of our OWN ! Marry ! We'll come to stay !"
So Ann went up and William went down, But I'm sure they'll come back some day.
-Adeline M. Conner.
God Bless the Girl who works.
She is not too proud to earn her own living, nor ashamed to be caught at her daily task.
She smiles at you from behind the desk or counter. Perhaps, she teaches, or helps with the house work. It matters not.
The sight of her is an inspiration.
ft is an honor to know this girl, and be worthy of her €Steern-
Lift your hat to her, young man, as she passes by.
She is a queen in the realm of womanhood.
She is a princess among the toilers.
God bless and protect the girl ,who works.
*Personality Magazine.
Just Ordtnary Whales
Mark Twain was often subjected to the importunities of young and aspiring authors who sought his advice, and in some case asked him to read their manuscripts. One of these had accompanied his request with an inquiry as to the right diet for an author, asking Mark Twain if it was true that fish was good for brain food.

Mark Twain replied as follows: "Yes, Agassiz does recommend authors to eat fish, because the phosphorous in it makes brain. So far you are correct. But I cannot help you to a decision about the amount you need to eat-at least not to a certainty. If the specimen composition is about your fair usual average, I should judge that perhaps a couple of whales would be all you would want for thc present. Not the largest kind, but simply good middlesized whales."
No Foreigners
Mr. Suburbs, hearing a noise in his hen house one night, went out to investigate. Finding the door open he called out, "Who's there?" and the answer came back promptly "Nobody, boss, just us chickens."
Creative merchandising presents wonderful attractiofr to the thinking man. It is an uncharted jungle in which there are general rules known to successful merchandisers, but no fixed routes, because when you go out into the world to create a demand for your goods, you deal with the varying minds of the human race whose natures and ihclinations are not to be charted scientifically. You must impress that great force that we call public opinion with the value and attractiveness of what you have to sell, in direct competition with all those keen minds, offering other things for sale, who are trying to attract the public cash their way.
Our Modern Tendencies
A well known author, was telling about the mental attitude of our modern youth toward certain phases of life, and told the following story:
"A young girl was reading a novel the other day by our famous Gottlieb-Lavinsky-Gotlieb. Her mother looked at the book anxiously."
"'I hope, dear, that novel is quite nice?'"
"'Oh, quite nice, Mamma, but f don't think you would care for the ending of it, it is so sad.'
'..'Well,' said the mother, .how does it end?'
" ''\il/'ell,' said the young girl, 'you see, she dies, and thc poor fellow has to go back to his wife."'
PauI Bunyan was looking ovcr the Vencer Factory of the lVcstwood Plant the other day. He watchcd the bceutiful thin rheetr of rmooth California Pincr comiag from thc glue rpreading nachincr and paering to thc hydraulic pre3tct.
"Remindc mert' rayr Paul, 'of the wey Joc Mufraw tricd to male.a pic. Hc took a couple of pancakcr, rprcadr blacLrtrap nolarser betwccn 'cm end rewcd up the edgcr with yarn."