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A PauI Bungan Product
The exploitation and sale of California Pine Veneers opens up a promising field for the piogressive Lumber Dealer. Working with the carpenter-contractors, the architects and prospective home builders, these beautiful new lumber products can be sold to the advantage of the buyer and profit to the eeller.
For remodelling and modernizing old hornes and business rooms, for partitions, closets, shelving, built-in features, for panel ceilinge and wainscotes, California Pine Veneer panela supply beauty, strength and economy.
California Pine veneers will not check. Th.y take a smooth finish with very little sanding. The patterns are beautiful. The surface has the peculiar advantager found in California Pinea-they take enamels perfectly with no disaetroug after effects of "grain raising" or discoloration; paint and varnish spread economically and retain a lasting beauty.
Paul Shoup Addresses Hoo Hoo
No. 9
Ctub was introduced by Frank Trower, also a Past Snark of tnia"o;Xttd smith, Long-Bell Lumber co., was the chair-
Paul Shoup, Vice-President of the Southern Pacific Com- man of the Day. Herman E. Abrahamson entertained the P]!]', w_1s the_ speaker of the day at the regular luncheon gathg{ng with several fine selections played on a steel saw. of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace lIotel on March Fred Hamlin won the Attendance Priie, wtricfr was donated l?. His subjec,t was "Too Many Laws." Mr. Shoup said !y $ W. Wilson. President Rod Hendrickson announcsd that there has been too much law making, and an aroused that the Coast Counties Hoo Hoo District were holding a pgblic. s_entiment is the only thing that will stop the flood larg-e Concatenation at San_Jose on March 28. Henry Hink, _of _legislation. In speaking of ideals and laws,'he stated, Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co., will act as Chairman of the 'Things that make a state gleat are not on the statute books. Day at the meeting to be held on March 26. Those countries governed by high idealism and customs are better ofi than a nation ri,ittr i lot of laws. Character, LOS An$eleS HOO HOO HOld ,RetailefS ideals, traditions, and customs-these go to make a country great.t' In closing-his.-address, M-r,-S]troup.in ;;G+;g.i;
the large.number of bills prese.nted-before the state legisla- EjShtl__five lu_mbermen of Southern California gathered ture! and c9r-rgress,rslSt.d: l!!il th_e people .are to blame at th"e March lgth luncheon meeting- oi the Los -Angeles for this condition. Let the people let the-legislators know H"; H;;Ci"U, *f,"" E. D. Tennant, S*i..ti'ry_lf#,""g"; that a bill should not be intro<iuced unless .a -great .pub_l.ic oi ifr"-I_or-A;;.i.; District Lumbermen,s Club, acted as necessitl exists ald we will have l,ess legislition."H-e chairman ,f it E a"y. praised President Co_o-ljdgg for.hjs wisdom in vetoing freak Ed,s nam,e *", "rrid.ntly the drawing card for such an legislation, saying, "We should be thankful that we hav€ a unusual number as this, "ira i!"--."1-i-rr-g *", particularly President in Washington with his feet.op lhe ground." notaUie tof ;h.1";;. number of retail lumbermen on hand. Mr. Shoup's address was interesting and instructlive, and Thirty_5qve" of- tn-.." gentry attended the meeting, as a he surprised many of his hearers when he advised them that he was an ori Hoo noo -.-u",, N". rsoor, ana was ffi*iJft
3];lHlll""i l&,1,t:#:flfil:,'l"ilrn,ijlj; initiated into the Order at Portland, Oregon, many years " ffto H;, $ih;;ing i' the southern city. ago' --:- r ---L^- rr--- In honor ofthis, thEpresident announced that a collection Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchint', and thi acurr co",t Lumbeima',,, se, " .,,i"ito" "t y,',,:t$,* il tri:?.f;ifi:3JlffJ'-ifijlj"',:titt""j}.l"to the meeting and told the members of the Hoo Hoo club P. w. chantland of ihas. R. Mccormick & company activities in Texas. Jack had a new repertoire of stories won the Attendance p.;ze. on tap which the crowd enjoyed very much. - ry.'c q1"aai"slvi"e-pr6sident of B. c. etkins &.son, F#:i:tl,i:#Jjffi:fl*?t",'}"".Tf,I
Indianapolis, and Past Snark of the lJniverse, was also a Mr."Tennlnt ,p6f.. io tte meetin*. 'visitor and spoke on the Hoo Hoo activities of San Fran-_ii"-}."i:^; ;t;;;""derful and inspiring address on the cisco during the days when he was Snark' Mr' Gladding ethics of the lum"bei business, ilrustrating his points with
H. A. Browning Lumber Co.

Phone ATlentic 22O4
Whcrc Mdn Strcet,Crorror Tfelhin3ton LOS ANGELES accounts of his experiences in northern Canada.
Bemis & Cowan Conduct Hoo Hoo Meeting
Mr. C. Benj. Bemis, representing the sash and door com-' pany of Bemis & Cowan, acted as chairman at the March 12th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
_Jh-ere rvas a splendid attendance to hear Mr. George J. !b91le, Professoi of Commerce, IJniversity of Souihein California, talk on the housing situation in Southern Calirornla.
Jake Buhler won the attendance prize, a beautiful fountain pen.
E. D. Tennant was announced as chairman on March 19th, which will be known as "Retailers Day,, and Past Snark Herman Rosenberg will preside on the'26ih. at the "Past Snarks" ceremonies.
OUR SPECIALTIES california Paftern Hemlock Ro'nd Edge Rabitted siding; white Riv€r Q.ality Red cedar shingler, star A star perfects, sandea Finich and Factory Stock
Wholesalers and Re.manufac{urers
Portland, Orqon