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Hutchinson's Lumber Output to .be Enlarged
That plans which mean improvements adding to the daily output and increasing the length of the seasonal run of the Hutchinson Lumber Company mill here have already b_een,.approved by the executive committee representing the directors is the announcement by John Laing, presi-,dent of the company, who is here from-West Virfinia.
The improvements contemplate a resaw department, construction of a larger mill pond to permit storage of logs for ylnte.r milling and addition of fourteen new dry kilns, bringing the total to thirty kilns.
Completion of mill pond No. 2 at the mill here will per- mit increased storage of logs, it is contemplated, so that sufficient timber may be brought in during the Summer ;months to permit operation of the mill throughout the rainy season. To facilitate filling of this mill pond with reserve logs, preparations are being made to increase the capacity of the woods and railroad departments of the rcompany.
' In connection with the resaw department, which will be added, it is announced that this equipment will increase ttre caplgity -o-f lhe saws from 240,W feet per single shift ,day to 300,000 feet.
Completion of the fourteen new dry kilns and the other ycontemplated improvements, it is announced, will make the Blant of the local company one of the most efficient d,nd iup-to-date in the country.
_-Mary _$iqg, age seven, second eldest daughter of Mr. Elmore {.-King, of Bakersfield, passed awaylt the family home on Mondiy, March 23rd,'ifter a three weeks, illnesi following an operation for mastoids.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, March 25th, at Bakersfield.
Mr. King is on9 of the heads of the King Lumber Company, as well as Vice-President of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club.
New Plumas Timber Tract To Be Tapped
William Y. Stoddard, manager of the F. S. Murphy Comp-any, reports a new _tract of virgin timber is being opened this year in the Quincy tract of the company's holdings. The new unit will be tapped by means of an incline, an innovation in this district. The Quincy branch of the Murphy mill expects to open March 23, as does the Sloat branch of the Murphy company. Both units are starting new camps.
At Sloat the logging camp rvill be moved from the north side of the river to the south, the new situation being directly across from the mill at Sloat, on the south side oT the river. The new logging camp at Sloat will have a personnel of some seventy-five or eighty men.
See how rimple?
Just pack cement or Plaster in between beveled strips. As it hardens, it locks - forming a dovetailthe strongcrt mechanical key known. \\-e recommend- 18 gauge galvartized wire netting to re.iuforce the cement and then you have a wall