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See How lt Ic Made?
Insulation is provided by !he- ba.ckgr-ound of heavy, tough, water-prool, durable trDreto"ta-dihnisiq'uality' Dy a-special Bishop' ric orocess. this board is given a coat otAsofralt Mdstic which makes it pliable' proof aciinst moisture. heat, cold, wind, air or sdund. It is als6 vermin and fire-resisting. Into this thick laver of adhesive Asphalt Mastic. carefully selected beveled wood strios 'are imbedded under great preqsure. Thii combination of units prod'uces a base which has proved, in innumerable tests, to be the strongest knownl
Free Sample Coupon
Birhopric Mlg. Co. of Californla
60,1 E. 6:znd Strrct. lar Angclcr, Callfornla l0E Send sample (free) for dealers and full particularJ of special proposition to lumber vards.
A Big Seller for lB Years in Eastern Lumber Yards
Now a Biahopric factory in Log Angeles is producing Bishopric Baae eo economically that it costs no more than other cement or plaater bases which are not a fraction aa atrongl
Back East evcry lumber yard carries Bishopric Base in etock because it is a lumber product. It is a big eeller baclr theremighty profitable too. And now that the Southweet ie hear' ing about Bishopric Base in smaehing big advertigements in the newspapers (besides national advertiaing campaign) we can confidently predict that Bishopric Baae will be the biggest aelling plaster and stucco base in this market before many montha.
Why not) It is easier to apply. It is stronger. It is b-etter in eveiy way-yet it coets no more than ordinary bases. Your sheathing sales are small now-but with Bishopric Base in stock you'll get the order for wall m'aterial too and make an extra profit.
Send for free sample and learn how' you, too, can make some of the profrte that are gure to come . . . Biehopric Manufacturing Company of California, producing BishopricBase for Stucco, Plaster, Brick Veneer and Framc Buildings; Bishopric Stucco for Exterior Walls; Sunfast Color Stucco; Flooring and Drain Board Compoeition, 604'626 East 62nd Street, Los Angeles. Phone AXridge 0707.