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We, the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, through the undersigned, James H. Allen, Snark of the Uniye-rse, d9 hereby designate and proclaim September Ninth.of each year our-Universal Day of Brotlierhood.
On this day, at 8:09 P. M. cential time, shall be broadcas! throughout the world, and read at our clubs throughout the land, words frbm the past and present gteat thinkers, who have chiseled out-by their iecorded thoughts and deeds our present civilization.
The centuries of experience of mankind hold innumerable- proofs of the truths spoken by the grand masters of the past.
The present governments, religions, fraternities, Iodges and clubs are so many departments of brotherho,od at work-perfecting the proper human and spirit- ual relationship between mer\.
All departments- of brotherhoods composing mankind ar6 simply circular lakes, separateil froir each other by narrow margins. All of these lakes have
Hoo Hoo To Aid Stricken
"One thousand persons dead, five thousand injured and 'thousands homeless is the horrible toll of the most disastrous catastrophe in history of Mississippi Valley. Money, supplies, shelter imperative needs of survivors. Hoo Hoo Clubs 'iolunteering help through us. Nation's home builders should be in forefront. Urge quick action.',
'Ihis is a copy sent to the Presidents of ail Hoo Hoo clubs in the United States by Henry R. Isherwood, appealing for waves beating. high- ag_ainst theii shores, seeking en- largement. Time shall give enlargement to all] and some day the margins of difierence will be washed away and all shall be one ! The Brotherhood of Man shall be established on this planet-this single, small planet, one of many, over which the GreaI Creator has given us charge.
__Upgt this point we _all agree: ,.We must, to enjoy Health, Happiness and Long Life, be broihers, in-d inwardly seek the hastening of that day.l'
We deem it a fraternal privilege to extend to the world an invitation to ,'listen in,' to the dynamic truths uttered !y tfre saviors of Humanity, which are to be whispered thr-ough the air again, aj though this great group were all living now amongst us and- available, giving guidance, just as in theiiown days.
Snark of the lfniverse. St. Louis, Mo., March g, l9ZS.
financial aid for the unfortunate victims of the devastatine tornado which swept the Mississippi Valley
A committee was appointed, with Snark-of the lJniverse James H. Allen as chairman, to handle the funds received in the most advantageous manner.
Throughout the land there has been a spontaneous movement_ to help-inspired by the humane motive of symrrathy. Lumbermen have the added obligation of coming io t6e forefront as the Nation's home-builders.
The Seattle, Wash., Hoo Hoo Club was the first to wire its contribution-$150. Then came the Boston. Mass.. Club with a wire for $100, followed by a check from Los Angeles.