1 minute read
Age ngt guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O yeafs-Some less.
They Got The Preference
Big Mose Hackley, cUtlud barber and't6wn character, was sobbing as though his heart would break, and his friend Jim Thompson, who hippened in oq him and found him acting thus unmanfully, was striving to discover what was the cause of all his trouble. He kept urging Big Mose to confide in him, but it was some time before the big fellow could quiet his sobs enough to articulate. Finally he said:
"Jimmie, Ah jus' hea'd 'bout Sam Jackson's wife dyin, ob newmoanya.tt
"Yassuh?" said Jim, very mystified.
'"A4' only las' week li'l Bob Coleman done los' his wife wid de flu."
"Uh-huh ?" said the friend.
"An' de week befo' de trainhit Zeke Canfield's 'oman an' cut her plumb in two."
And then his sobs broke out afresh.
"Look aheah, big boy," said the mystified Jim. "Whut you'all squallin' 'bout. None ob dem women ain't no kin o'yourn, wuz dey?"
"Nossuh," said Big Mose. "Nossuh. Dey wasn't no kin ob mine. BUT IT DOESLOOK LAK EVERYBODY DUN GITTIN' A CHANCE 'CEPTIN ME.''
Twenty-Three Car Train For One Fir Order
What is said to be the longest trainload of kiln dried Douglas Fir lumber ever shipped from one mill to one concern. recently lvent to the La Crosse Lumber Company, I-ouisiana, Mo., from the I ong-Bell Douglas Fir plant it Longview. The train consisted of twenty-three cars, part quiries tg1l.rr thirty yard manag'ers asking for their requirements of Fir lumber, we bought this trainload of Long-9s11 trade-marked Douglas Fir lumber because the common grades wogld reach destination perfectly dry and rvould stock rvell." of a thirty-eight car order for one million feet of Long-Bell kiln dried Douglas Fir lumber.
Chas. G. Buffum, president of the La Crosse Lumber Company, and R. F. Turner, purchasing agent, decided on this large single purchase, as all common grades of LongB_ell Douglas Fir are kiln dried. Discussing the purchase, Mr. Turner said:
"After a thorough study of the advantages of kiln dried Douglas Fir lumber in all grades, and after sending in- and recomrnend the basis of pure
A better sheet of building paper cannot be put between the floors or in the walls of a building.
It keeps out ALL moisture because it is ABSOLUTELY waterproof.
It. is used extensively under stucco.
You can sell Triple-sheath on merit.