2 minute read
WHOLESALE PROMPT AND REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE ON DIFFICULT CUT- line to the harbor runs in the center of Alameda street. The railroad company has already installed the main drill tracks into the Stanton property at a cost, it is stated, of $35,000.
When asked about plans for the development of the tract, Mr. L. H. Stanton, president of the E. J. Stanton & Son, said, "There is little doubt butthat the east side of Alameda street south of Slauson will become the preferred section of Los Angeles for industrial plants of the future. Proximity to both the harbor and the business center is an important factor. Nationally known concerns considering sites in this city invariably'inquire as to these features. We shall endeavor to attract high class industries to Los Angeles and assist them in securing every necessary facility. The location is a strategic one and as a site for our own yards is admirable. Our cost of handling lumber should be considerably less in the new place than in our present yards. The increased space will permit us to install the very latest types of handling equipment."
E. J. Stanton & Son are rvell known throughout the country as importers of Philippine Mahogany and other tropical woods and as rvholesale dealers in all domestic hardwoods of that region grew scarce, E. J. Stanton made They are also mill distributors of California Sugar and White Pine. Branch offices are maintained in Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Detroit and Norfolk, Va.
The business of E. J. Stanton & Son really began rvhen the lateE.H. Stanton established a mill in Michigan in 1860. He r'r'as succeeded by his son, E. J. Stanton, the founder of E. J. Stanton & Son. As the 'lcork" pine and hardwoods of ihat region grew scarce, E. J. Stint'on made a survey of available timber of similar quality. He beeame convinced that the logical successor to the Michigan pine n'as California Sugar Pine, the finest of which grows in the High Sierras of Califqrnia. The business was therefore moved to California and results have more than justified his foresight. E. J. Stanton & Son have outgrown a oneacre site on Seventh Street near Alameda, a six-acre site at Eighth and Alameda, and are now outgrowing a ten-acre site at 38th and Alarneda. The president of the company is LeRoy H. Stanton, son of the founder. H. W. Swafford is vice-p'resid;r;f S. b. Hamilton, secietary and treasurer. )
Wayne Mullin
Frank Connelly, Woodhead Lumber Co., was chairman at the March 18th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, when an exceptionally large number oI the boys were on hand to listen to Wayne F. Mullin, of the Mullin Lumber Company, Los Angeles, tellof his six months' trip around the world, last year.
^ Wayne's talk rvas very interesting and rvas hugely enioved.
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