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Scientific kiln drying preservet within our productr nature's sturdy and beautiful qualitiea, while
Modern machinery and ekilled human efiort iustifier our elogan
Death of Theodore Lerch Shocks State
Theodore Lerch, Sales Manager for the Albion Lumber Company and one of the most highly respected and generally liked of all California lumbermen, passed away at the Southern Pacific Hospital, San Francisco, on the night of March 27th.
Death came as a result of paralysis attributed to a spinal injury suffered in the swimming pool of the Athens Athletic Club at Oakland, on the previous Tuesday. He was taken to the Southern Pacific Hospital from the Club and reports were issued Saturday morning of his expected early recovery. Paralysis set in at noon Saturday, causing death that evening.
Theodore Lerch was fondly hailed as "Teddie" all over the United States and particularly in Redwood circles where his acquaintance was large and his friends many. Jovial, kindly, honorable, these are but a few of the virtues of Teddie Lerch, and his passing creates a void in California lumber circles long to be felt.
He was prominent in Masonic work, a member of the Athens Athletic Club. the Claremont Country Club and was a hard worker in Hoo Hoo.
Heis survived by Mrs. Lerch, Theodore Junior, aged 12, and Paul, aged ten.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, March 31st, at the California Crematorium, Oakland' The services rvere attendecl by a large number of lumbermen friends'