3 minute read
G. H. BROWN, Prerident
Dirtributorr of Triple-Sheath Building Paper
Oak Lcaf Oak Flooring
Maple Flooring, Panelr, \ilall Boardr, ete.
537 Firct Street - Oakland, California
Phone: Oakland 245'24G
The above photograph is an excellent likeness of Homer Maris, the rvell knorvn and popular San Francisco lumberman, and president of the H. B. Maris Panel Co.
His concern specializes in the distribution of all sorts of soft wood and hardwood panels. He is the Northern California representative of the Coos Veneer & Box Co., I{arshfield, Oregon; General Plywood Co., Seattle, Washington; Weed Lumber Co., 'Weed, California, and the Portland Manufacturing Co., Portland, O'regon. In addition to the above he carries a complete line of all kinds of Hardrvood panel stocks. The offices and r,varehouse of the H. B. Maris Panel Co. is located at 735 Third Street, San Francisco.
Homer takes a keen interest in all lumbermen activities in the Bay District. Heis a former Hoo-Hoo vicegereut snark ofthe Bay District, an active member of Hoo-IIoo Club No. 9, and at the present time is a member of the Bav District Hoo-Hoo Finance Committee. He is a member oi the Pacific Coast I{ardrvood Dealers' Association and at the Hardwood Convention held at San Diego last January, he rvas elected a Director in the Association.
San Francisco's "Traf6c Problerns" ivas the subject discussed by Capt. Gleeson of the San Francisco Police Deoartment at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 luncheon held at the Falace Hotel on Thursday, March 11. Capt. Gleeson's talk was very instructive and well received by the large _turn- out. He'also injected a lot of fun into his address by fining some of the members and making them donate to the Charity Fund for violating some of the traffic laws, _t_h9 guilty pirties being R. A. Hiscox, Garnet Fraser, Al Nolan and I. E. Martin.
Garnet Fraser, Chicago and Alton Railroad representative, rvas the chairman of the day. NIitch Landis, KPO radio artist, sang several delightful solos. He lvas accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Herbert Landis.
John McCabe presided the proposed Eureka trip which w morial Day rveek-end. Thetrip rl
President Tohn McCabe oresided over the business ses- rresrdent Jonn ryIcuaDe pfesloeo rne Duslness sion of the meeting. Fred Roth, vicegerent snark, spoke on rhe oronosed Eureka trio which will be made over the Me-
Thetriprvill include an inspection of the Redrvood mill and logging operations in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties. A large crotvd rvill no doubt make this interesting trip.
L. W. Blinn of the Pacific Lumber Company and Landis rvere admitted to membership in the club. tr. Locke of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. rvill act as n of the day at the regttlar luncheon to be held on
Mitch W. S. chairMarch
Barr Buys Orange Yard
The Barr Orange yard nounced that conducted by
Lumber Company, Santa Ana, has bought the of the Smith Lumber Cornpany. It was anthe deal <loes not affect the Anaheim yard the Smith Lumber Co.
Interest in prospective building and repairing is anywhere from 2O/o to 25/o higher than last year, if inquiries received by Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y., during the first trvo months of this year may be taken as a criterion.
"'We have found," says Mr. H. P. Kendall, Jr., president of Creo-Dipt, "that inquiries received from home owners are actually one of the most accurate indexes to immediate interest in building and remodeling that we can get. As you may know, all our advertising caffies a request thaf the reader send 25c for a booklet of color suggestions and portfolio of re-beautified and new Creo-Dipt homes,

"Although last year \,vas a thoroughly satisfactory building year and replies to our advertising ran high, the first two months of this year are running far ahead. This, of course, does not mean immediate operations, because our inquiries always run from one to two months ahead of the actual work. But it does indicate that people are reading and considering the subject of building ind repairing, and if our past experience is any guide, it indicates an unusually active late spring and early summer."
Mr. Kendall added that Creo-Dipt advertising to home owners for 1926 will be much larger than ever before. Full color pages in Canadian Homes and Gardens, Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, Country Gentleman, House and Garden, Flouse Beautiful, and other magazines rvill be used.
"The advertising will particularly stress remodeling and re-beautifying with.Creo-Dipts," 1\{r. Kendall added. "Not only is there a tremendous field for remodeling work throughout the United States and Canada, but remodeling rvork brings other business to the lumber dealer besides the sale of Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles. In fact, the bill for lumber often exceeds that for the Creo-Dipts."
STEAMERS tChroront"
"Vlillape" ttSan ttzlvrlontt
'Point Lour'
'?oint ArcnJi Dicgo"