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The profit sensqtion of the point trqde
PABCO Multi-Service Po inuo kesthe mysrery out of the poinr bus- I iness o nd puts it on o simpler ond more profito ble bosis for you. When you hondle
I -Your stock is much simplified. PABCO is on ollpurpose point. You do not hove lo corry o point for wood, onotherfor metol, onother for cement, ond so on.
2-pnSCO is ofiered only in the fost selling, most populor colors. Thot meons further simpliflcotion of stock ond FAST TURNOVER-lorser profirs.
3 -No sleeping dollors on your shelves! your point investment is eorning o fine profit for you oll the time.
4-Yo, con sell PABCO of o much lower price-yer there is no better poini ot ony price.
5-Monufocturers' printed money-bock guorontee with everv con.
6-PABCO Points ond other pABCO products hove been exiensively odvertised for yeors. Thot meons consumer occeptonce. Holf the selling hos olreody been done for you by our odvertising.
Z-Smoll stock, fost turnover, on odvertised, guoronteed prod uctoll these, AND on unusuolly liberol profil morgin.
The sooner you stock this profit moker the sooner you will become o profit toker. Get in touch with your iobber or our neorest office TODAY.