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Millwork Institute Holds Tri-Annual Meeting at Fresno
Considerable progress in the trade promotion activities of the Institute was reported by President Arthur Bernhauer, and L. G. Sterett, manager of the Service Bureau, at the tri-annual meeting of the Millwork Institute of California held at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, Friday, March 28.
The slogan of the Institute, "There's a Distinct Trend Back to 'Wood," was heard several times in the course of the various talks, and the idea was expressed that the repetition of this slogan by all of the members, their employees,
In summarizing the activities of the Institute in the six years of its existence Mr. Bernhauer said not the least accomplishment was the development of good feeling and friendship among millmen of the State, and stated that he is convinced that if 100 progressive millmen put their efforts behind the Institute's program they can change the status of the industry in 12 months.
"We are now on the threshold of success. Talk wood. Think wood. Support the trade extension program, and cash in on the monev that has already been soent. and the efiorts that have be6n made," he contluded. ^
Managing Director H. T. Didesch in his report said the publication of the Accredited Standards represented more progress than anything else they had done. He assured members that there had been very definite progress made by the Institute, rvarned them against discouragement, and assured them that what is now required is patience and willingness to stick to the job.
Mr. Didesch read the treasurer's report, in the absence of Treasurer E. A. Nicholson of Los Angeles. This report shows noteworthy progress, he said.
The managing director then proceeded to give the recommendations of the board of directors.
H. T. Didesck, Managing Director
and their friends, would have a very favorable effect on the increase in the use of wood for interiors.
A most important feature of the meeting was the detailed explanation of the Accredited Standards by Managing Director Didesch.
Thursday Session
The board of directors met at luncheon at noon on March 27, and remained in session during the afternoon.
Friday Morning
President Arthur W. Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno, opened the convention with an inspiring talk on the purposes of the Institute's trade promotion program, which has as its aim the creation of new business. He suggested that executives might devote some of their time to trade promotion work, and stressed the necessity of establishing confidence by producing woodwork of guaranteed quality at a fair price. 'He advised making the most of their slogan, "There is a distinct trend back to wood."
The board recommended that the Institute be incorporated, and on a motion by E. J. Nutting, Herring & Nutting, San Francisco, it was decided to have the local groups pass on this matter.
The board approved everything pertaining to thb Accredited Standards. and fixed the price of the book at $5. Approximately 800 architects' offices will receive a free copy, and many of these will be delivered personally by L. G. Sterett. Standards will be in architects' hands by April 15, at which date they will go into effect, and the Certification program will then be enforced.
It was recommended by the board that a copy of the Standards be placed in all architects'clubs throughout the State, and all State, County and Government architects will receive a copy.
They also recommended that classes for explanation of the Standards be held for all salesmen and estimators who contact buyers.
It was decided that Mr. Didesch confer with the research department of the University of California on the matter of having this department investigate how the Millwork Sales Dollar is made up for the year 1930.
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