2 minute read
Millwork Institute of California Issue New Book on Accredited Standards For Architectural Woodwork
The Millwo.k trr.titut" of California has just published a new book-Accredited Standards-copies of which have already been distributed to the membeiship and whi,ch is des.igned to create an authoritative standard governing materials, construction .and workmanship for millwork products and their certification as Architectural Millwork.
The book measures 9 inches wide by 12 inches high and contains 64 pages. It is handsomely bound and attiactive in appearance. The book is beautifully illustrated, 12 pages being devoted to half tone illustrations of Architeitural Woodwork which show the charm that can be obtained through artistic millwork.
H. T. Didesch, managing director of the Millwork Institute of .California, in the foreword states that the publica- tion is intended to serve a dual purpose.
"First, to create an authoritative and eminent standard of quality for all classifications of millwork defining minimum essentials as to proper materials, sound construction_ and uniformly good workmanship.
"Secondly,__to inaug-urate and mainiain a definite guar- anty or certification of products manufactured in conf-orm- ity with the requiremenls of the established standards."
The A,ccredited Standards as presented embody the results of extensive research by a special committee of millwork technologists appointed by ihe Millwork Institute of California. Their context has 6een reviewed bv sub-com-
Mason B. Kline, sales engineer, IJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco, made a business trip covering most of the state of Arizona during the past month. N, H. Huey, phoenix, Arizona, representative for the Union Lumber Co., a.ccompanied Mr. Kline over some of the territorv but clue to the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jessica -Jones Mc9I.*, Mr. Huey was compelled to stay in phoenix. Art Ninemire, Mr. Hudy's reprisentati,re, aiso spent some time with Mr. Kline calling on the trade.
mittees embracing in their personnel some thirty firms. The work may therefore be aocepted with the confidence that it is thoroughly practical and representative of the best practices in the industry.
Among the subje'cts ,covered in the book are: Interior Finish; Interior Jambs; Interior Jamb and Trim Assemblies; Cabinetwork, Paneling, etc. ; Standardized Cabinets and Built-In Fixtures; Stairwork; Doors; Windows and Sash; Blinds and Shutters; Streens and Screen Doors: Exterior Finish; Exterior Frames; Miscellaneous Exterior Millwork; Glass and Glazing, (U. S. Government Master Specifications); Certification Documents; Recommended Form of Millwork Specificatio4, and Care and Finishing of Woodwork.
Managing Director Didesch ,urges that the section concerning the certification of products and jobs be given special consideration as they not only present reproduition of the various Certification documents but alio ,contain what_is probably the.first published outline by the industry of a Recommended Form of Millwork Specification.
Accredited Standards is one of th€ most constructive pieces of work ever undertaken by any indrrstry and will no doubt be so recognized by the woodworking industry throughout the country. It splendidly reflects the progress being made by this branch of the lumber industry jndiads great prestige to the Millwork Institute of Calif'ornia.
A. L. Hoover, Los Angeles wholesaler, has returned from a short business-trip to San Francisco. Mr. Hoover repre- sents The Pacific Lumb_er Company and the Wendling- Nathan Co. in Southern California.
Paul Overend Visits Los Angeles
Paul E. Overend, northern field representative of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, returned to San Francisco Mar'ch 22 lrom a business trip to Los Angeles.