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Millwork Tri-Annual Meeting
(Continued from Page 39)
Chairman E. J. Nutting, of the membership committee, reported only one new member and three reinstatements since the last meeting, but was optimistic for the future.
On the invitation of W. L. Leishman of Pasadena, it was decided to hold the next meeting at the Hotel Huntington, Pasadena, late in July or early in August.
Friday Afternoon
Mr. Bernhauer presided, and called on J. Gazzam MacKenzie, of the Libby-Owens Glass Company, San Francisco, for a talk on "Tiade Promotion.'r '
L. G. Sterett, manager of the Service Bureau of the Institute, delivered an address on the me'chanics of the Trade Promotion Program. His record of what has been accomplished in the contacting of architects all over the state, and in obtaining the moral and financial support of other lumber associations show that Mr. Sterett has delivered a tremendous lot of well-directed activity since the start of this campaign last August.
Harry Gaetjen, Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco, past president of the fnstitute, reviewed the Accredited Standards, which he described as "something to be proud of, and well worth waiting for." He made a stirring plea for the support of the full program of the Institute by everv mem-. Der.
Mr. Didesch then devoted considerable time to a careful explanation of the main points of the Accredited Standards.
F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, and director of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, addressed the meeting on "The Benefits of Group Organization", giving specific cases of the successful working of the "Allotment" or "Chicago" plan of organization.
Herb.'Weyler, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara spoke on value of photographs of interiors in trade promotion work, and expressed appreciation of the reprocluctions 'of fine wood interiors oublished from time to time in "The California Lumber 1\llerchant". and "Western Woodworker",
W. A."Bill" Sampson, suggested that their salesmen might be asked to pass an examination which would enable them to talk intelligently on their products, giving them some su,ch standing as "realtors" in the real estate business.
The meeting concluded with a discussion on "Overcoming Steel Sash Competition".
A banquet was held in the evening, at which the members enjoyed some high class musical entertainment. Those who stayed over until Saturday enjoyed a game of golf on some of the good Fresno courses, and some enjoyed sightseeing trips into the mountains.
Senate Votes Duty on Soft Wood Lumber
By a vote of 39 to 38, the United States Senate placed a duty of $1.50 a thousand feet on lumber of fir, spruce, hemlock and larch on March 20. A tariff of $2.00 was rejected by the Senate on February 27 by a vote ol 39 to 34.
New Yard at La Mesa
Lloyd B. Neill, who formerly was in the lumber business ai Greeley, Colorado, has bought a lumber yard site at La Mesa, Calif. Constru'ction work on the office building and sheds commenced on March 17. The yard will be
Greatest Money Saving Improvement in High Speed Steel Knives SIMONDS
SAW AND STEEL CO. har perfected e new knife lmown at the
There nsw larives do double tte work of ordinary high speed steel knives. Get j'our orders mailed now for at leart one aet of these remarkable new kniver.
(The Cleating Houtc)

This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
The F'ellow Who Wants to Buy
TheFellow Who Wants to Sell TheFellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: t2.s0 pet cofumn inch
TheFellow Who 'Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing Mill, Machinery and Stock. Will dispose of our entire stock of windows, doors, glass and kilr1 dried mill stock; also modern machinery. Nerr 3 years ago. Office equipment. Will sell by unit or as a whole. Property 325 ft. x 150 ft. with Santa Fe trackage. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. - Phone VAndike 8460.
Wholesaler Wants Connection
Lumberman with several years' experience in Southern California desires wholesale or mill connection. White and Sugar Pine or Douglas Fir. Knows the retail trade and trade requirements. Can furnish references. Address Box C-326. care California Lumber Merchant.