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Fir-Tex Will be on Market in June-Great St. Helens Plant Nears Completion
The Fir-Tex Insulating Board Company is rushing c,ompletion of its big manufacturing plant at St. Helens,- Oregon, and will have same in full operation some time in the coming June. The plant is magnificently' situgted for manufaciuring purposes on the banks of the Columbia River, whence itwill receive by water its raw materials from mills along the river.
They will manufacture building board out of wood waste, and th-e plant r,r'ill have a capacity of 75,000,000 feet annually. The company is incorporated for $2,5@,000.
Swim Champion Now Honolulu Lumberman
Arthur Millington is visiting in San Francisco, enjoying a vacation. ln I92O he was one of the swimming champions San Francisco sent to the Olympic games. Today he is a successful lumberman in Honolulu. He formerly held three national swimming records.
Snoqualmie Falls No. 2 Mill Destroyed by Fire
Fire destroyed the No. 2 mill of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co. lt Snoqualmie Falls, Wash., March 3. with an estimated loss of $250,000. The mill which cut 125,000 feet a day of cedar and.hemlock will be rebuilt immediately. -
Roy Fetterly, head filer, who was so badly injured when he attempted to jump to safety, after he was unable to get down the stairs, died a few minutes after reaching the hospital.
Construction Industries Credit Bureau Opens in San Francisco
Construction Industries Credit Bureau, operated as a new deoartment ofthe San Francisco Association of Credit lMen, for the purpose of giving detailed credit information on those engaged in building trades in the San Francisco district, was opened in San Francisco March 11. The executive committee, composed of leading San Francisco credit men, is as follows:
Frank H. Eichler, American Smelting & Refining Co.' chairman; R. H. O'lf ea, Paraffine Co. ; R. E. Hackett, Johns-Manville, Inc.; C. S. Tripler, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumtrer Co.; C. C. Hill, W. P. Fuller & Co.; O. H. Peterson, Guat'anty Building & Loan Association; D. I. Bosschart, Eng-Skell Co.; O. H. Walker, secretary-manager of the San Francisco Association of Credit Men.
George Kewin Jr., of the United Lumber Yards, Inc., Modesto, recently made a business trip to San Francisco, where he attended the Northern California and Nevada convention of General Electric Company's refrigerating division, held March 17 at the William Taylor Hotel, San Francisco.