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How Lumber Looks
Doughs Fir-Lumber produced by 302 mills in the Doug,las fir region of Oregon, Warhington, and British Columbia during the first 11 weeks of 1930 war about 1O per cent below the output of theae same mills for thc comparable period of last year, according to reports received from thete millc bv the West Coast Lumbermen's Asrociation. This group of mills operated during the ll-week period of 193O at 43 per cent below capacity.
I Orders reported by 212 mills for the weeh ending March 15 decreared approximately 7,(X)Qfr)O feet under new burinesc received in the week ending March 8. Production increasbd during the week, being about 3,OOO'O0O feet above the output for the previous week. Reports from these mills show that orders received from the rail trade d'uring the past four weeks have been steady. Domestic cargo orders have fuctuated and were about T'OOOr(XX) feet less during the week ending March 15 than in the preceding week. Export ordere showed an increase for the week, being about 3rOO0r000 feet above thoee reported for the previous week.
Production, orders and rhipments at these 212 mills for the week ending March 15 were reported to tfie Association as follows: Production 184,3971778 feet; Orders l$7r44l,687 feet; Shiprnents 153,816,64O feet. Details of tihe orders and shipments as reported by these mills follows: Orders-Rail 65,033,450 feet ; Domestic Cargo 46,761, 1O3 feet; Export 341160,444 feet; Locd 11,496,69O feet. Ship-strts-f,ail 69,9851955 feet; Domestic Cargo 4812611226 feet; Export 241072,769 feet; Local 111496,69O feet.
There ir no change in the California market, the demand oontinues light and prices remain about the same. The cotmtry yarde as well as the city yards ar€ carrying light rtockr. Unsold stocks at San Pedro on March 26 totaled aEaa*a8&*
9r521,(X)0 feet. 41 veuelr in the Cdifornia rerice are laid up which is a larger numbcr than urual for thir time of the yeaf and one vesrel is operating off-shore.
Redwood-The California Redwood Acrocietion for the week ending March 15 reported prod'uctio,n from 15 mills aa 7r752rW0 feet, shipmentr 612211000 fect and orderE 61156,O0O feet. The demand ir showing tome improvement and prices continue steady. Stocks at the millg are reported es about normal for thir reaaon of the year.
California White and Sugar Pine-For. ttre week ending March 15, the California White and Sugar Pine A^uociation reported'production from 17 milb as 612731000 feet, ehipmenti 1318321000 feet and orders 12,615,000 feet. Orderc and rhipments continue far in advance of production. Pricer are firrn.
The relationship of shiprnentr and orderr to production for the first eleven weekr of 193O ending March 15, bared on reportr from the regional associations to the National Lumber Manufacturers Arcocietiod, is as followr:
Wect Coart Lumbermen'r Acsociatiqa-prs{qction 1r615,575 M feet; Shipments 1,517,953 M feet; Orden 1r574,909 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Areocialisa-plqdustion 76,783 M feet; Shipments 207,128 M feet; Orders 212,372 M feet.
,California Redwood l6366iatiq1-Production 85;919 M feet; Shiprnents 73,183 M feet; Orders 78,113 M feet.
Southern Pine Asroci6liel-pl6rduction 655r332.M feA ; Shipmenta 609,000 M feet; Orders 643,818 M feet.
Total Hardwoodr-Production 467,433 M feet; Shipments 382,118 M feet; Orderr 394,244 M feet.