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Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked upp€rs.

Main Office: A.L Hoover, Agt.

San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.

QUALITY Products

fYfEA\IER-Ifeory De"lerc havc

VY forrod by erperience that " eJe nearra rnore than juct an o.d"t *h.a IAZe.te. Products ate cupplied; it rnearrs a satiefied cnatorner who will be a booster for the good worl, arrd good nateri"I", *Li.h are aesociated together in the custoner'c rnind ac olrly olre tlins SATISFACTIONI

The ability to deliver satief.ction conei stently witL "Weave"-If enty Producte.turoe e"leg into reealec aad pyraniJc profito to the point wLere it rnay be truly eaiJ that olrly 'the ely ia the li-it." K."pf"t .bor" competitiorr by .oo"entratiag oa 'W'ervet-I{enry Producte I

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