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How Lumber Looks

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New business received at the lumber mills during the week ended March 16 was 13 per cent above production-and 5 per cent above orders of the iorresponding ;ek last year, .."oiding to reports to the National -Lumbei Manufacturers Associatio.n. Shipments were heavier than during the previous week and were 18 per cent above those of the c&responding week a yeaf ago.

Reports from 11039 mills for the week ended March 16 ehowed .production 158,856,000 feet, shipments 126,45g,000 feet, and orders received 17g,g75r000 feet.

New business reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended March 16, 5rg mills reporting, was 89206,#4 feet against a production of 90,894,462 feel,' and. shipments of 86,9151016 feet. Current sales wete under pro$uctiog by 3 per c_ent, and shipments were under producion by 4.4 per cent. Orders booked for the week by ihi, e.o,lo of mills were under the preceding week by.about :':OOTOO-O fedt or approximately 6.1 per cent. The unfilied order file at these mills stood at 39Or482,87O feet, approximately 2r00OrO00 feet under the week before.

The Vestern Pine Association for the week ended March 16, 123.^mills-reporting g_ave orders as 53rl7tr}00 feet, shipments 481929,000 feet, and production 29rl42r0o0 feet. Orders were 84.8 per__c9nt above production, and 10.1 per cent above ship-ments. _Shipments vete 67.8 per cent aboie production. Orders on hand at the end of the week rotaled iggrg:7rOOO feet.

Lumbermen's Reveille April 26

Final arrang'ements have been completed for the Northern California Lumbermen's Reveille which r,vill be held in Oakland on Friday evening, April 26. The banquet and entertainment will be held at the Hotel Oakland, and Edwin M. Haus, tenor and radio artist of national fame, will be the guest artist.

The golf tournament will be held on Saturday morning, April 27, at the Oak Knoll Country Club and many.prizes will be awarded to the winners of the various events.

The committee has made great efiorts to exceed any previous Reveille, both as to the entertainment features and attendance. Larue Woodson is chairman of the general committee, and Carl R. Moore is general secretarf-treasg-e1. _Members of the general committee are H. S. I\Iorton, G. F. Eonning'ton, B. E. Bryan, M. R. Grant, Earle Johnson, J. B. Overcast, Gordon Pierce, Clement Fraser and Henry Hink.

The California Redwood Association for the week reoorted production from 16 mills as 613651000 feet, shipments 6ri92rOOO feet, and new business 61337rooo f.eet. Oiderc orr harri end of the week totaled 35r23orooo f.eet.

Reports fuom 192 hardwood mills for the week ended March 16 gave new business as 7,0381000 feet, or 2l per cent below production, and shipments Er952r000 feet, or .l'per cent above production. Production was 8p4f000 feet.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbo,r on March 25 totaled 4ri56rooo f.eet. Cargo arri-vals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended Marcf, 25 amounted to 121609100A feet which included 19 cargoes of Fir canying \2,268,000 feet, and one cargo of Redwood with 341,000 ieetl 62 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber eervice on March 25; 38 vessels weri laid up. rF * -x

Application loans under Title II of the FHA in Southern California since the opening of the ofrce two months ago showed a total of. $117121695 up to March 23. Of this amount, fl716r145 was for o"* "orrrt*ction and $9961550 refunding of mortgages. New construction loans totaling filTr- 830.and refunding loans involving $2g2,673 were .piioo"d. Modernization loans under Title t of the Act totalinj i4rOOOr- 000 have been made in Southern California since lasi A.rg.ri. March was the best construction month in Los Angeles since October, 1933. Building permits from March I to Match 22 inclusive totaled f2r217r087 or more than double the total for the- same ^period last year, and compared with construction activities for February will run about 100 per cent ahead, due principally to the improwement in one-fariily home building and considerable school construction.

Lumber Code Will Be Revised

Because of the withdrawal of the department of justice from the Belcher case, the Lumber Code Authority asked for the suspension of the Lumber & Timber products Code on March 27, stating that it inferred the department will no longer endeavor to enforce its code, ac,cording to news releasqs from Washington. Donald Richberg, NRA chairman, in reply to the request of the Lumber Code Authority for suspension of the ,code promised immediate steps to revise the code.

The Lumber Code Authority advised its Divisions and Subdivisions on March 28 that the,code is still in effect and that every effort will be made by the NRA to secure compliance.

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