1 minute read
lncorPorated Feb. 14' l9O8
E:clurive Reprcrentativcl in Northern Crliforaia for Creo-Dipt Company, lnc-, North Tonawanda, N' Y'
Manufacturers of Klamath Soft Pine PINE
Lumbermen's Golf Tournament With Roth-Maier Lumber Co.
Lumbermen's Post No. 4O3, American Legion, is sponsoring a Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament which will be held in May. Leo Hubbard, Commandant of the Lumbermen's Post, has appointed the following committee to arrange for the tournament: llerman Ros.tberg, Don Philips, Francis Boyd' Ross Blanchard' Harry A. Graham, Roy Stanton, "Friday" Freeland, Jack Thomas, Stuart Smith, Clint Laughlin, Frank Burnaby' Kenneth Smith, "C^ppy" Slade, Duff Hansen and Ed Martin. F-urther announcements rvill be made at an early date'
Kenneth Shipp Visits Seattle
, I(enneth Shipp, California Builders Supply Co', Oakland, returned March 16 from a business trip to Seattle'
The Roth-Maier Lumber Co. of San Francisco announces that D. O. Druffel is now connected with the company succeeding J. Har'old Johnson. Mr. Johnson will devote his entire time to their sales of Parafiine Companies, Inc', products. Mr. Druffel is widely known to the lumber trade in the San Francisco Bay District having been formerly with the Planing Mill Listing Bureau at San Francisco, and prior to that rvith the Pa'cific Manufacturing Co'
Returns To Northwest
Albert Schafer, vice president, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, \Mash., left San Francisco March 15 after a week's visit to that offrce.