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Car And
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16 Ccrtilornicr Street Scn Frcmcisco Telephone GArlield 6881
New Lumber Company Organized
Crescent Lumber Company has succeeded the San Jose Lumber Com,pany, East Santa Clara and 26th Streets, San ' Jose. Directors and stockholders in the new concern are J. P. Thomas, P. D. Curtis, P. L. Curtis, and W. H. , Besecker, formerly president and manager of the San Jose Lumber Company. Theyplan to expand their present facilities.
Attend Basketball Games
W. S. Russell, of Eugene, Ore., was recently on a business and pleasure trip to San Francisco. While there he made his headquarters at the ofiices of Atkinson-Stutz Company. He was accompanied by Mrs. Russell' and they atterided the Stanford-Oregon Coast conference championship basketball games on March lL and 12.
Diamond Match Company Executives Visit Los Angeles
John R. Gray, general manager, Spokane and Chico; I. E. Brink, manager of yards and stores, Chico, and Everett Weldin, manager of the Chico apiary department, The Diamont Match Company, arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday, March 19, where they spent a few days on business in connection with the apiary department.
M, J. "Ben" Byrnes, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, has returned from a trip to the Northwest where he called on his sawmill connections. He was accompanied by Earl Leonard, Leonard Lumber Company, San Francisco, and Fred Hawkins, Fairfax Lumber Company, Fairfax.
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*Advertisement! apPear
Chamberlin & Co., \ff. R..-------------
Monolith Pordand Cement Company-----------*
* Moore Dry Kila Co.------------------------------------29
Cooper, Vilfred T.------------------- Moore Mill & Lumber C,o- -----
Curtis Companiee Service Bureau.----------- Oakley PaiRt Mfg. Co.------------------------------- 2
DolQeer & Carson Lumber Co.------------------------
Forsyth Flardwood co.--_______,-----_--
Gorman Lumber co.------------------
* Pacific Lumber Co., The,----
* Patten-Blinn Lutrber co..---------,-----------------,-,-..29
Peerless Built-rn Fixture co'---------------------'----
* Phillipine Mahogany Manufactuterct
Hal! Jamec L.-------------------- -------18 rmport Ascociation
* Harbor plywood corporation--- , Pordand cement Association----
Hammond Redwood Company,---------------o.B.c. Pioneer Div" The Flintkote co'-------------------- lfenrmings, E. V'.------------
* Ream, Geo. 8., Company-------
HiII & Morton, fnc..----,------,---- Red River Lunbet Co.-------------------------------------11 lfogan Lumber Co..-----,,---------- ,,-------21 R. J. M. Company The ---------------------------------.28