3 minute read
Buifding Materiaf Prices Below z}-Year Aver age
Iiollowing a careful study by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association of lumber and building material prices over a period of the past twenty years in the Metropolitan tos Angeles area, President E. C. Parker has sent a letter to its members, together with charts and fig*res, which show prices are lower than the twenty year average. Mr. Parker says:
"In the past month liberalizing amendments to the National Housing Act were enacted, and we are justified in expecting an increased volume of house building for the next several months. There is, however, in the minds of many prospective home builders an erroneous impression that lumber and building materials are high and which may have the effect of curtailing building which would otherwise be done. This impression has been created by statements and comments on the part of public officials, newspaper editors, economic experts, and other such sources.
"In an endeavor to offset and refute such statements, your association has made a thorough and careful study of lumber and building material prices over the past period of twenty years. We have carefully compiled the.going'prices over these years in Metropolitan Los Angeles, an area with a radius of about 2O miles. By'going' prices we mean the best price an owner or builder could obtain in this competitive field. As with any commodity, difterent sections of the State would have somewhat difierent price levels at different times, but we are quite sure that our study .will show with a degree of accuracy the price trend through these years throughout the State.
"The years Ig23-25 and the year l926are quite commonly used as normal in U. S- Geverrlment price statistics, and you will note that prices today are 14% less than 1923-1925 and are 5/o less than1926. In our own opinion in this State the five year period from July l,1924 to July l, l9D was a normai period, and prices today are 3/s less than the average of that period.
"It is our hope that the charts and statistics presented will correct the impression on the part of prospective builders and loaning agencies that lumber and building materials are high, and will show on the contrary that they are below normal."
The Associ"tio' obtained an accurate list of all lumber and building materials used in constructing a home now being completed in the Metropolitan Los Angeles area, and priced them as of the beginning of the two main building seasons, March 15 and September 15, of each year. The figures below show clearly that lumber and building materials prices are lower than a twenty year average.
2o-year averag'e price ofall materials combined..$2,955.76
Today's (March 15, 1938) price-all materials
Today's price is I.89% below fuyear average price. Materials combined in the above schedule include: Lumberrough and finish, shingles, sash, doors, screens and CC aGGDssrBrr.rTY--PRoMPT and GOURTEOUS SERVIGE
One GaIl for Every lfeed
Telephone us your orderwhen your.driver calls the load will be aseembled and ready to drop onto your truek. ftte time saved and money in your pocket.
Douglcrs Fir-Redwood-Ponderosa Pine--Spruce Insulux Glcrss Blocks Curtis doors, hardwood flooring, hardware-rough and finish, paint, cement, plaster materials, sand, gravel and rock.
We cre plecsed to ANNOUNCE the completion oI ournew stock FRAME DEPARTMENLnew building, new equipnrent, new prices. Avcil'yourelf of the lcrstest crud most .accurcrte.eenrice possible.
Lnrnediate Shipment on StockSash - Doors - Mouldingrs
Pcrnels - Wqllboard - honing Bocrds Medicine Ccbinets
I We clso mcnulccture all kinds of specicl I [ *d detcril millwork csrd sneciclize in J FULL MILL BIDS THROUGH LOCAL DEALERS
Today's (March 15, 1938) price-of lumber only..
Today's price- is I.6/o below twenty-year
Rough andfinish lumber were combined to above schedule.
New Lumber Credit Rating Book
In presenting the 113th edition of its lumber credit rating book, the Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc. (Chicago and New York City) will begin its 62nd year of credit reporting and collection service.
The new edition, just pubtished and now ready for the trade, represents the result of more than half a century of close cooperation between the Association and all divisions of the producing, distributing and consuming branches of the lumber and woodworking industries.
The information flowing into the extensive credit files of the Association continues to be carefully analyzed, verified, and dispatched promptly to the hundreds of lumber traders who depend upon these headquarters for day by day guidance in extending credit and developing sales. Those using this service benefit by obtaining, immediately, first hand facts and figures relating to customers, both active and prospective. Much of the mode of payment information is taken direct from exclusive trade interchange data. Special correspondents and key-men keep the Association constantly advised regarding lumber and woodworking concerns in every city, town and village in the entire country.
Los Angeles Dealers Meet
The monthly meeting of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute was held at the Clark Hotel, Los'Angeles, Tuesday evening, March 29. ByronC. Hanna, president of Southern Californians, Inc., was the guest speaker. About 100 attended the meeting.
New Yard
North Side Lumber Co. is startinE a new retail yard at 2020 Lewis Street. Fresno.
Hoeam tumBER @@"
Vholesale and Jobbing
2ad & Alico !hr. OAKLAND Gtearoun 6&rr