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For Lease
Warehouse suitable for lumber storage or building material business. 80{135 feet, with 20-foot head clearance, Santa Fe Railway trackage, equipped with office space and 15-ton unloading electric hoist. Will lease for five years. Roy E. Harrington, 1109 Main Street, Venice, Calif. Phone Santa Monica 64993.
Wants Study Work
Young man 24 years old, German Protestant, wishes study work as second man to learn business thorough- ly. 3 years' experience in Minnesota yard. Wilt do boohpork or yard work. Address, Eldon E. Wise, 3010 Dakota Street, East Oakland, Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Lumber yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., geles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Lumber Los An-
For Sale
I Yates B-3 double surfacer with direct motor drive and switches complete. Penberthy Lumber Company,2055 E. Slst Street, Los Angeles. Telephone Klmball 5111.
Hardwood Salesman Wanted
Wanted experienced industrial hardwood salesman for Los Angeles territory. Good salary to the right man with proven ability. State experience, etc., to Box C-706 California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Yard or cargo dock foreman, order clerk, salesman or general work in office and yard. Age 4E. 28 years lumber expeience in Washington, Oregon and California in above positions. Last 12 years in Southern California. Best lumber references. Address Box C-703, California Lumber Merchant.
The Lumbermen's Club of Arizona held its annual meeting at Phoonix on March 1618. Officers elected were: John H. Wood of Bisbee, president; Joe Tardy, Douglas, vicepresident, and Robert V. Baker, Phoenix, secretary. Otto Orthel, Prescott; L. B. DeMund, Yuma; Richard Grace, Globe; W. M. Puckett, Nogales, and lfoward Shoup. phoenix, lvere elected directors.
llrrben \\'. Smith, National Lumber \,{anufacturers Association. San Francisco, lvas the speaker at the monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, at tlre Hotel Senator, Sacramento , on March 24.
Orange Belt District n'ill hold a Hoo-Hoo concatenation at the Red Hill Country Club, Ontario, on April 14. Dee E,sslev heads the airangement committee.
"Plvrvoods and the Airplane Industry" is an interesting article appearing in thisnumber. The photographs used ..'e'e furnished b1' the California Panel & Veneer Co. of I-os Angeles.
The General Supply Company has purchased a nelr' location for a yard in North Sacramento, where new sheds are being erected preparatory to a opening of a modern plant.
San Diego Hoo-Hoo staged a unique concatenation, Saturday afternoon, March 10, on the desert about six miles east of Calexico. It was called "Cowling's Cactus Concat" in honor of Bill Cowling, junior Hoo-Hoo on the San Diego Nine. Vicegerent Snark Frank Park was in charge of the concatenation. A turkey dinner was served at the Owl Cafe. Mexicali, Mexico, in the evening, about 60 attending. B. W. Byrne, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles district. led a large delegation to Calexico for the meeting.
The T.os Angeles Hoo-Hoo staged a golf tournament at tlre Brentwood .Country Club, Friday afternoon, March 23.
Ii. R. Maule won the low gross prize, the Frank Curran Trophy, and Paul Hill rvas arvarded the low net prize, the Roy Stanton cup. Winners in the Flight Events were: M.
I). Jordan, Harry Graham, Cliff Bergstrom, J. E. Lloyd Jones, "Red" McAlpine, Ed Culnan, Henry Pries and Gene DeArmond. Dinner was served at 7:00 P. M. Frank Burnaby acted as master of ceremonies. and Roy Stanton presented the prizes to the winners.
Redn'ood Sales Company, San Francisco, reported the sale of 500,000 feet of Redwood in Texas for use as tank coverage.