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\UOTSA" fUN l6[il,!
Icck Dionne's BookoI Fcrvorite Stories in Diclect
A Limiled Number ol This Populcr Book Remcin Unsold. The Price is $1.OO PER GOPY
Delivered Anyurhere in the Uniled St<rtes Postpcid
Icrclr Dionire 318 Centrcl Building
Loe Ingeler, Cclilornia
Enclosed find ( ) dollors lor which pleose send me postpcid ( ) copies ol "Lotsa" Fun.
W. A. Priddie, W. A. Priddie Lumber Co., Beaumont, Texas, arrived in Los Angeles on March 2l f.or a few days' visit. He left on March 24 f.or Phoenix, Ariz., where he planned to spend a few weeks before returning to Beaumont,
To Open Yard In Auburn
It is announced by Tahoe Sugar Pine Company, San Francisco, that they will establish a retail lumber and building material yard in Auburn. Construction is expected to get under way within the next few weeks.
This company operates a sawmill at Graniteville, ancl their planing mill, storage yards and sheds are at Emigrant Gap. They also have a retail yard at Nevada City.
J-M Housins Guild Clinics to be Held in Four Coast Cities
A series of four one-day clinics to which owners and managers of lumber yards located in Pacific coast and mountain states will be invited for a discussion of ways and means to meet current business problems in the building industry, has been announced by Franklin Shuey, vice-president in charge of Pacific Coast operations for Johns-Manville.
These meetings, which will be conferences on management problems combined witha study of new sales techniques, will be held April 11, at Denver; April 15, at Seattle; April 19, at San Francisco; and April 22, at Los Angeles.
The full day's program for each of the four clinics will include speeches, dramatic sketches and motion pictures to be climaxed by a banquet at which all visiting dealers will be guests of Johns-Manville.
Discussion leaders will include A. A. Hood, manager of the Johns-Manville Housing Guild Division; L. C. Hart, general sales manager, L. M. Cassidy, general merchandise manager; and J. L. Wood, general credit manager. A new two-act play written and directed by Mr. Wood, and dealing with merchandising problems of the industry, will also be presented.
New Stock Frame Price List
Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland, mailed their new stock frame price list recently to all the retail lumber dealers of Northern California.
With the completion of their new stock frame department, housed in a new building, and the installation of the most modern equipment they feel that they are in a position to render the best possible service to the dealers.
Miss Lorraine Jordan of Houston, Texas, and Percy Youst of Los Angeles, were married at Santa Ana on March 18. Mr. Youst is well known in Southern California lumber circles and is with the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. They will reside in Los Angeles.
new pur-
roolt ttvtattt|.a GRO88 GTNCUIATTON KILNT
27/o to )O/o more capacity due to solid edge-to.edge stackrng. Bcaar guality drying on low tenperatures with a fast revercibie circulation.
Lower ctacking costs-just solid edge-to-edge stacking in the simplest form,
Joins lvory Pine Company
The Ivory Pine Company announces an enlarged program to begin at once. Two band mills will be operated this year, one at Bly, Oregon, in charge of C. O. Pitney, and the other at Bieber, Calif., in charge of Sheffield Bridgewater, producing over 35 million feet annually of the finest textured Ponderosa Pine to be found in Soulthern Oregon and Northern California.
Facilities are ample for the manufacture of a modern product, straight or mixed cars, in all grades and
Stcrnley Hodgmcn specifications of lumber and moulding. Superior millwork and thoroughly dry stock assure shipments up to the highest standard.
The millat Bieber is an up-to.date plant owned by the Globe Lumber Co., Ltd. of LosAngeles. It is ideally situated to give prompt shipment from one of the lMest's finest timber tracts. The Ivory Pine Company considers itself fortunate to have supervision of the manufacturing of such a plant. Sales for both mills are to be handled through the main office of the company located in the Williams Building at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Enlarged program requires enlarged personnel. Stanley Hodgman has been engaged as sales manager, assuring
Mooreliln Paint Productc for weatherproofing dry Liln and mill roofs.
.Kiln Builderr for More Than Half Century prompt, intelligent consideration of consumer needs. Mr. Hodgman knows pine from stump to final use and will give his best services in the interest of the Ivory Pine Company clientele.
North Portland, Ore. Jaclconville, Fldid.
Changes In Armstrong Personnel
The following changes and additions to personnel are anl nounced by Armstrong Corp. Products Company:
William Houston has been added to the sales stafi of the Los Angeles office.
Edward M. Freyer is a new salesman in San Francisco, succeeding John W. Ilarvey, who has been transferred to Seattle as resident salesman, working directly under the home office in Lancaster, Pa.
Richard S. Near, formerly in Seattle, has been transferred to Dallas Texas, as new district manager there.
NIr. and NIrs. Frank G. Kranz have announced the arrival of a baby boy at St. Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles, on March 18. Mr. Kranz is owner and manager of the Golden State Lumber Company at Santa Monica.
Receives Promotion
A. D. Bell, Jr., Hammond Redwood Company, is back from an extended Eastern business trip. He is now in charge of Eastern sales with headquarters in the San Francisco office.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.