7 minute read
Hobud Plyroocl
Hobord Sheathing
Hobotd Wcllboard
Hubord Plyctete (Fot Conctete Fotms)
Hobord Indtsnial Plywood
Harbotd Lausn Ply*ood
SuPq-Hubud Plywood (Ia AII Grades-ir Pnels cs Large t8x76Eeet)
SuPq-Habotd Plycrete (Fot Conctete Formt)
S uPq-H ob qd Laaan P lyv ood
SuPq -H q bonl Redr o od P lYt w d Hoborside
Hobonl Tanis Tablet Sag-Nolt Doors (V ith Couq-Keyed troiat )
Be the first to iecture this nodern Plvwood siding, mqde ot SIIPER-Harbord, lhe timetested, permcrrently wecrtherprool* outdoor plwyood. Architectg cnrd builders hcnre <rpprov-ed IIARBORSIDE Lnthusicsticqlly. It'e a big.unii seller that ccn mctke prolits lor vou" HABBORSIDE is economiccl to crpplv double rorbbeted ct sideg <rnd ends, it lcrys up lcster, covers widEr surlaces, s<rrvsa in ncriling time, ie reqdy lo paint immediclely cnd pcint lcsts longer. Fou-Ioot lengths expose 12y2, 15,18 crnd 23 inches, grcrin verticcl; eight'Ioot lengths expose 15 qnd 23 inches, gncin horizonlal, avcrilcble in crll siding widths of redwood as well crs standard Iir fcrcing.
HABBORSIDE is easy to siock-pcrcLcrged in ecsy.to-hcurdle units lhqt occupy ct minimum of wcaehouse apqce. Stock is quicklv crvcilcrble-24 hours from our neqrest brqnch lo you.
You ccur recommend HARBORSIDE unconditionqlly beccruse it's gucrcnleed qgcinst ply sepcncrtion. An exclusive pcrtented procesa* mskes it penncnently wectherproof, swell-proof, shrink-prool, split-proof, minimizinq pqssqge ol moisture, resistcrnt to rot qnd lungus, loxic to termites crnd rodents. Write for informqtive bulletin
C0. S,t0 toth Stm.t, 235 South Alamcda Str..t, ,140 East 25th Etmrt, 2trd AYr. rnd lrrvlr 8t., sln inllcrsco, oALtF. Los At{cELEg, cALtF. TAcoMA, wAgHlNGTo!{ PoBTLAND' oREGotr
(Continued from Page 6) all the worth-while things we can, fill all our stomachs, clothe all our nakedness, house all our people and their possessions comfortably, and heap our reserve shelves high with necessities. Then we will have prosperity. We will quit worrying about PRICES and do something about VALUES. ,r :F * clarence Darrow, ."" ; ;":** men of his day and age, died the other day. The thinkers of this entire land acclaimed him as one of the great thinkers and workers of his time. He was our most famous champion of the "under dog." Once when a canvass was made to see whether an audience thought him right or wrong in a certain matter, the majority decided AGAINST Darrow. Whereon he philosophically remarked: "If the majority had been in my favor I should have known I was wrong." The ruthlessness of majorities was one of the obsessions of his life.
A very wise man onbe said: "Any fool can succeed in the midst of a business boom. It takes hard times to sift the good men from the bad ones, the strong ones from the weak ones." True. But after we get them sifted, it is hardly fair to tell the weak ones to quit working, and make the strong ones support them.
Wise men have frequently remarked of late that we are at this moment passing through one of the most dangerous and terrific stages in the history of this world. True. Maybe it would be a good time for us to remember how insignificant the world is, and therefore how unimportant these things must look had we an Infinite viewpoint from which to gaze upon them. Modern astronomy counts ,.billions of stars" in the cosmic group or galaxy to which our sun belongs. Many of these stars are a million times as big as our sun, and our sun is a million times as big as this earth. Outside of this particular galaxy to which our earth and sun belong, astronomy finds at least amillion other stellar universes, each as great as our own little famity of say thirty billion suns and solar systems. And astronomy believes that these countless solar systems are inhabited by thinking beings.Why not? So, in perspective, what does poor little Hitler amount to, anyway?
There is a Power, ." ,;;r;ce that created those tritlions of suns, and keeps them in their courses, and runs and looks after a universe so vast that no human mind can wen imagine it. If we knew one-tenth as much about that Intelligence and Its application as we should, we wouldn't have to worry about Hitler and the like. The most unemployed and under-developed power in this little world is the HUMAN MIND. Some day we will start using it properly, and the entire face of things will bc changed.
A New York attorn", ,"" ,fl" follo*ng ad in a local newspaper the other day: "Lawyer disgusted with conditions will take job as dishwasher, business executive, musician, bodyguard, traveler, diplomat, truck driver, writer, or anything else, anywhere, paying a decent salary."
Often you hear ,n" n*"ar"r, *""tua-"What is a Communist?" The poet Eliott answers that as follows: What is a Communist? One who has yearnings
For equal division of unequal earnings. ,frf*
Prize for timely advertising goes to the fellow who drove around Los Angeles during a big rain storm, carrying on his car a big sign that read: "Gee, but I wish f was in Florida."
Automobile sales are off the last year's volume nearly forty per cent. When you figure that one out of about every seven people in the United States earns his living directly or indirectly fromthe automotive industry, you will understand that this falling off alone would cause a fair recession. And, with a few other industries in the same fix, you just change "rec" to "depr," and you'll get the idea of what's happened to us recentlyJepression.
Let us now speak ", 0""*r. Itn"" Aristotle was asked why everyone was so fond of beauty he replied: "That is the question of a blind man." Theophrastus called beauty "a silent fraud." Socrates the Wise called it a "short-lived tyranny." Juvenal bitterly satirizes women's faces as "bedaubed and lacquered o€r." Roman belles used chalk and paint in extravagant profusion, for Martial says: "Fabula was afraid of rain on account of the chalk on her face, and Lobella of the sun because of the cereuse with which her face was painted; and the famous Poppea, wife of Nero, made use of an unctious paint that hardened upon her face and entirely changed the original features."
And, speaking of "."rrir"J, ,rl,.rr"tty reminds us of the drug store. The modern drug store has had plenty of fun hung on it in recent years because of its rapid progress from the old timey apothecary shop. We all hear lots of drug store jokes, the best of which is the one about the druggist who cut his hand making a club sandwich, and had to drive fifty miles for iodine. Anyway, there are 58,000 retail drug stores in this country today, of which only four hundred are without drinking or eating facilities or departments. Onlyten per cent of their business is medicine and drugs. Thus does modern merchandising change the course of an industry.
All-Time Hish for FHA Loans Set in San Francisco
For the week ended March 25 more than 600 loan applications, totaling about $3,000,000, were accepted for appraisal, bringing the total in new home loans cleared the San Francisco FHA offices to date for the month above the previous all-time high set in March, 1937, when 1,60O mortgages were accepted, according to a statement by J. O. Davis, newly appointed district director of the Federal Housing Administration for Northern Californa.
Since the new FHA amendments became operative last mohth, Mr. Davis said, the San Fran,cisco office has accepted for appraisal 2,715 mortgages totaling $I2,47O,m. Of these, 1,080 represented new construction amounting to $5,316,000 eligible for financing under the new ZS-year, Sla per cent interest, 10 per cent down loan plan.
Lnvnf:*salns td, w
Los Angeles Holds Second Place in Building And eoch one is o
Los Angeles continued to hold second place among the cities in the country in building for the first two months of 1938 with a total of $9,684,648. San Francisco ranked eighth with a total of $2,361,803, and Long Beach was tenth. Ner.'i' York with a total of. $112,157,792, was in first place.
Building permit valuations for the twenty leading cities for the first two months of the year and comparative figures f.or 1937 as compiled by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., follows:
Here qre3 sink deols...reqdy to go to town foryou big
profit morgin hooked ro ir!
Here are the
3 HOTTEST DEALS on Steel Sinks and Lavatories that ever came down the pike! First,the products are right! Second, themarket is there! Third, every deal is loaded with PROFIT foryou! One deal, our Giant 70, nets 77o/o PROFIT onyour investment! Fourth, each deal complete with an assorbnent to take care of all reguests, all requirements. Each one geared to your own needs, your oum pocketbook. Fifth, we allowfreight to destination an;rwhere in U. S. A. And, with any of the 3 Deals you get the surefire practical'SALESMAKEII Display Rack shown above. absolutely Frce!
Smoot-Holman Sinks andtavatoriescan be sold
It is announced by Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland. that Charles E. Pugh has been appointed to the position of head draftsman.
R. D. Lapham, manager of the mill depa4rnent, in making this announcement said: "We consider ourselves very fortunate in being able to secure the services of this well known and highly competent man. Mr. Pugh was with the National Mill & Lumber Company for more than 20 years, and his ability is recognized in millwork circles throughout California as outstanding."
Ior small homes and cabins, maids' rooms in l4rge homes, Ior kitchen, bath and helpers' houses, milk, chickenand vegretable houses onthe farm. You can sell to labor camps, m.inds, resorts, auto camps, office buildings, garage+ and industrial plants. In fact, your market is anywhere water is piped! Displayed on the Free'SATESMAKER' Rack, these Steel Sinks and Lavatories practically sell on sight!
A,"ite 1,* Ml drJ"iht
Dou't let theae eaey Sink and Lavatory eales gro by the board! Keep your caeb register singiag a new prolit song thie yearwith Smoot-Holman porcelaia eaameled steel plumbing. A penny postcard mailed TODAY will brirg a folder e:plaining lull details regardiug our 3 BIG PROFIT DEALS. Send it in NOW to