3 minute read

J. If. Baxter tt Go.

33! Mon6orncty Sa SAN FRANCISCO Phooc DOu3lo 3EE!


3/4,' s-PLY


Better ftting and better fnisbed fl*sb ctpboard doort at louer cost.

Resin-seqled fcces toke o smooth, perlect point or enomel finish. No checking.

Solid edge strips (23/a" wide) on eoch edge reduce tendency to worp, insure neqter finish, crnd provide o sound reinforcement for locks ond hinqes.

Fir veneer core.

Edges cqn be eosily ond smoothly lipped.

I t. ,or. tuat irrued q lrew price Urt I ( ol there llueh cupbocrd doora. Ask ur ) / lot oo. it you hcrve not received yo*". I

tEsTERlt lt00n & $Aslt G0.

5th and Cyprccr Stc, Oakl."d LAteside 84{t0

J. O. Handley Elected President of State Association

J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel, was elected president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, ata meeting of the board of directors held at the'Hotel Californian, Fresno, Saturday, March 26. He succeeds E. C. Parker of the PattenBlinn Lumber Co., Los z\ngeles.

Mr. Nlurphy was reelected vice-president of the Northern District, and Mr. Parker was re-elected vice-president of the Southern District.'Warren S. Tillson. Modesto I-umber Company, Modesto, was elected treasurer. The business session followed the luncheon. After the election of officers there was a general discussion on Association activities. F. Dean Prescott, California member of the executive committee of the National Retail Lumber Dealers. Association, reported on the activities of the National organization. About sixty attended the meeting, including directors, club secretaries, and Association members.


Brown & Dauser Company announces that E. Stefrensen will be in general charge of the company, and will be lo. cated in its Fullerton office. He took over his new position on March 16. "Steff" is well known to lumbermen of Southern California, and for the past thirteen years was secretarymanager of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club. Ife succeeds the late Arthur J. Kelley.

C. L. McGill will continue as manager of the LaHabra yard, and Avery Brown as manager of its yard at Brea. Douglas McGill will assist at the yard in Fullerton.


The first issue of a new house publication, "The Temlok Dealer," is being mailed to 10,00O lumber deaters interested in the line of Temlok Insulating Board products of the Armstrong Cork Products Company of Lancaster, Pa. The publicaticin, produced by Armstrong's Advertising Department, is in tabloid newspaper format, four pages, Slxll inches, and will be issued bi-monthly.

In the 6rst issue of "The Temlock Dealer" leading articles outline the advantages of the wholesale method of distribrrtion and describe Armstrong's new Temseal fnsulating Sheathing. In addition, the magazine contains feature stories and photographs showing installations of Temlok De Luxe Insulating fnterior Finishes in homes, stores, theatres, and schools.

Southern California Lumbermen Have Golf Tournament

Earl Jameson and Dick Emison set the pace at the lumbermen's golf tournament played over the beautiful course of the Virginia Country Club, Long Beach, Friday afternoon, March 18. Earl won the low gross prize, a bronze desk cigarette holder which was donated by the West Oregon Lumber Company, with a score of 83. Dick was the low net winner with a score of 69, and was awarded the American Legion Trophy and three golf balls.

The winners in the other events were: First Flightfirst prize, Wholesale Lumbernien's Cup and three golf balls, F. S. McNamara; second prize, sport sweater, W. R. Lindsay; third prize, clothes brush set donated by Harry Graham, Ed Seward. Second Flight-first prize, Redwood Cup and three golf balls, Hervey Bowles; second prize, sport sweater, Steve Hathaway; third prize, cocktail set donated by L. W. MacDonald, Emil Swanson. Third Flight-first prize, Hardwood Cup and three golf balls, Ed Ballantyne I second prize, sport sweater donated by A. E. Fickling, Ted How6ll; third prize, cufi link set, "Rust" Gill. Fourth Flight-first' prize, engraved ash tray set donated by Charlie Lyons, Bill Chantland; secon d pfize, set of poker chips, Dick Loveday; third prize, cuff link set, Lloyd Milne. Special guest prize, golf balls and record book, Don Montague. Door prize, half dozen golf balls donated by Ted Howell, Steve Hathaway.

The presentation of prizes was made by Russell Gheen, who acted as master of ceremonies, following the dinner. A vote of thanks was extended to Harry Graham, a director of the Virginia Country Club, for arranging to hold the tournament there, and to Vic Roddick, team captain at the Virginia Country Club, who had charge of the loud speaking system. Music was furnished during the dinner hour and evening.

The following played in the tournamerit: Dick Loveday, Bill Davis, Ed Ballantyne, Art Turner, Clint Laughlin, Bill Chantland, Russell Gheen, "Rust" Gill, Ross Hostetter, Steve Hathaway, Dick Emison, Lloyd Cole, Howard CoorPender, L. P. Hill, Gene DeArmond, Ed Martin, Charlie Ditewig, Ray Hill, Bill Fickling, "Friday" Freeland, Harry Graham, Ed Seward, Earl Jameson, Don Montague, Charlie Lyons, Hillman Hoel, W. R. Lindsay, Hervey Bowles, F. S. McNamara, B. P. Willis, Paul Orban, S. C. Smith, W. T. Davies, Bob Holden, Emil S;wanson, G. L. Morris, Art Reese, Art Reysa, Jim Henderson, E. J. Davis, Fritz Hawn, I-loyd Milne, J. Walter Kelly, Ted Howell, Judd Blanchard, 'and "Bazz" Blanchard.

The tournament was sponsored by Lumbermen's Post, No. 4O3, of the American Legion.

: Stuart Smith was chairman of the golf committee, an.d rvas assisted by Harry Graham, arrangements; Russell Gheen, prizes; Jack Thomas, handicaps; Ed Biggs, tickets, and Ed Martin, publicity.


Soilt Ponderoscr

Sugcn Pine

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