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San Pedro Lumber Co. Has Attractive Store

The new building erected by the San Pedro Lumber Company at its Los Angeles yard for its building material store and sales offices is an attractive addition to its plant. The building is modernistic throughout, and lumber and building materials handled by the company were used in its construction, giving its trade an idea how the different products look when installed.

In the large, spacious store, the walls are finished in Knotty Pine. The doors, counter, bins, office desk and shelving are also made ofKnotty Pine, which harmonize beautifully with the store interior. Tempered hardwood is used for the counter and desk tops. Attractively displayed are the many different building materials which is a great convenience to its customers. A Redwood picket pack dis- play has been installed in the yard just cutsicle the store. Plenty of parking space is available, adjoining the building. The sales offices adjoin the store. The offices of the sales nlanager and his secretary are finished in Weatherwood insulation plank on the walls, with walnut grain Sheetrock for rvainscotting. An Insulux glass block partition is betu'een the two offices.

Art-Ply plyrvood plank and tile is used on the rvalls of the salesmen's office, while the wholesale sales office is in clear Redwood, and the rvainscotting and doors in curlv Redwood. The rvalls of the office occupied by the Curtis woodwork and Insulux glass rnasonry departrnents are in Knotty Red Cedar.

Weatherwood insulation tile is used for ceilings, ancl

Curtis Silentite windows, except for the large plate glass window displays, are installed throughout ttre lulaing.

George Clough is sales manager, and in charge of the other departments are: J. H. Luck, wholesale sales and assistant to Mr. Clough; Les Dean, hardware; Howard Coldren, Curtis rvoodwork; and William Cameron, glass masonery and insulation. Bill South is in charge of the store, and L. H. Staley is advisor to their trade on rnat. ters pertaining to the National Housing Act. Lila DuRee is secretary toMr. Clough.

A. B. McKee, Jr., general manager, and J. C. Jenkins, assistant manager, have their offices at the Los Angeles yard, which are in the administration building.

The San Pedro LumQer Company has been operating in Southern California for over half a century, dating back to 1883.. Its distributing yard, docks, mill, and wholesale ware_ houses at San Pedro. The company operates seven retail yards in Southern California.

\f. O. Harris Talks on Amended NHA

More than two hundred members of the California Re_ tail Lumbermen's Association, representing all sections of Southern California, heard W. O. Harris, director of public relations for the FHA, discuss the amended National Hoo.i1S A* at a meeting held at the Clark Hotel, Los Angeles, Monday evening, March 21.

Mr. Harris talked on the outstanding features of the Act, but spoke in detail on FHA insured property improvement loans under Title I; and FHA insured loans under Title II on houses designed principally for a single family residence, of which the borrower shall be the owner and occupant; the amount not to exceed $5,400; and not to exceed 90 per cent of the FHA appraisal; the maturity not to exceed ZS yearc. FHA minimum standards requiring grade-marked. lumber and other quality materials would be enforced throughout the Southern California territory, Mr. Harris said. He spoke of the opportunities opened to the lumber dealers by the NHA, and stated they can help the public to take advantage of the liberal housing terms now available. Following his address, he answered many questions.

C. W. Pinkerton talked on the housing bills passed at the recent special session of the State Legislature which set up the legal machinery under which the State and its subdivisions may become eligible for loans under the $500,000,000 Federally financed program of slum clearance and lowrent housing.

Paul Hallingby gave a resume of lumber market conditions. Kenneth Smith talked on the cement and labor situations, also the joint lumber exhibit, being planned for the Los Angeles Home Show, saying that great benefit would be gained by such a display, and it would develop new home business A. B. McKee, Jr.is chairman of the committee arranging for the exhibit.

Edric Brown In East

Edric E. Brown, manager of the by-products division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left for an Eastern business trip March 12. He is making his headquarters at the Chicago office and expects to be back in San Francisco about the middle of April.

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