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oAlways Up-to-Date oNew Concerns Reported oBx

Being supplemented TWICE-A-VEEK, this Rating Book, in your oftce, is kept new and up-to-date. Changes are reported to you every three days.

New concerns starting up are immediately reported in the TS/ICE-A-VEEK Supplements<n invaluable source of new potential customers.

clusiy e Ledger Infortnat ion

Thousands of Delinquent LJnpaid Accounts Reports received monthly give you the benefit of Exclusive Credit Facts -garnered from the ledgers of hundreds of manufacturers and wholesalers.

oEffective Tracer Systern

Tracer System of gathering information olfsets the effect of .,hand.picked" references. Reciprocal Tracer Reports are sent free to coolreratorr.

You Can Use It 30 Days On Approval

Determine for yourself, in your own ofice, the value of this Supplemented Credit Rating Book as specialized senrice. There is No Obligation. ff not satisfied, you retunr the book at our exlrerue.

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