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This mcrk is your crssur<rnce oI thoroughly, properly, crnd unifonnly Kiln Dried Ponderoscr Pine Lumber, Mouldings, crnd Cut Stock
EVEBY month of the yecr.
f,Icnrrcrth Fqlls, Oregon
Centrcl Ccrlilornic Pyrcrmid Lumber Scles Co., Oakland
Southern Cclilornic crnd Arizoncr E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles
The prcrcticcl cnd many plecsing leatures housed in this nect little home ol wide siding, with its welcoming porch cnd squcre bcy window, specrk lor themselves.
Smcll homes carelully plcrrured rellect gtecrter vqlue and comlort to their owner.
This is only one oI the mcny crttrcrctive homes shown in the new Modern Low Cost Homes plcrn book issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Bureau,3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, Cclilornicr, whose planning depcrrtnent is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chadwick, Registered Structural Engineer.
Charlie Cross tVill Manage Truckee-Tahoe Lumber Company
Charles B. Cross has resigned his position as salesman for the Santa Fe Lumber Company to become nanager of the TruckeeTahoe Lumber Company, rvho have yards at Trnckee and Tahoe City. He will make his home at Lake Tahoe when he takes over his new duties on April 1. Charlie will have an interest in the company with E. T. Robie of the Auburn Lumber Company.
Charlie was born in Hanford, Calif., and is the youngest son of the late C. M. Cross, who was one of the well knor,r,n and highly respected veteran retail lumbermen of California. C. M. Cross was the founder of the Cross Lumber Company which concern still continues at Coalinga and Merced.
Charlie attended Stanford University and after leaving college spent a year with a finance firm in St. paul, Minn. He then moved to Los Angeles and was in the employ of the Bentley Lumber Company in Glendale, and later was with the Pacific Sash & Door Company of Los Angeles.
From 1932 to 1935 he was with the Cross Lumber Company at Coalinga. In the fall of 1935 he became associated with the Santa Fe Lumber Company as salesman, covering the interior of the state from Modesto to the Oregon line and Western Nevada.
Charlie has the distinction of being the only lumber salesman who ever managed to have himself snowed in at Rainbow Tavern near Truckee, where he lived at the company's expense for something like a week without the necessity of calling on the trade. This happened during the first week of February, 1938, while he was on a business trip to Reno, and was mentioned in our columns at that time.
Charlie is a First Lieutenant in the California National Guard, is a very popular lumberman, and widely known in California lumber circles.
Opens Office In Watsonville
Dwight Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco, has taken over the shook department of Fred F. Tugel,s agricultural supply house in Watsonville. Mr. Tugel becomes district manager for the Dwight organization and continues, under his own name, his business in seed, fertilizers and spray.
Lumberman Injured
Sig Lindroth, Capital Lumber Co., Sacramento, is in Sutter Hospital in that city, suffering from a back injury received while skiing in the High Sierra.
When your customers need, Iifetlmo lurnber sell them NOYO Brand Redwood. Prompt shipment from one of NOYO's two mills or conveniently located warehousc stocks. Personal service by ONE organization keeps true "Once a Noyo Dealer-Always!"