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Tom Jones Elected President o[ Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club

Tom Jones, San Joaquin Lumber Company, Stockton, was elected president of the Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club at the monthly meeting held at the Hotel Clark, Stockton, Monday evening, March 25. O. D. Ruse, Ruse-Blair Lumber Company, Stocktorl, tvas elected vice-president, and Earl I{. Botts, Valley Lumber Company, Lodi, secretarytreasurer. Additional directors elected were Jerry Stutz, Atkinson-Stutz Lumber Co., Stockton, and R. G. pratt.

The retiring officers are: R. S. Fuller, Valley Lumber Company, Lodi, president; O. V. Wilson, Jr., Central Lumber Company. Stockton, vice-president; and Donald G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Company, fnc., Stockton, secretary-treasurer.

Professor G. A. Werner of the College of pacific gave an interesting talk on the second World War and its effect on the coming Presidential election. Geo. Callander, radio expert, gave a demonstration of recording voices of different members and producing these recordings. George Cornwall, The Timberman, San Francisco. talked on lumber conditions as a result of the second World War.

The next meeting rvill be held at Stockton on April 29, and on invitation of Art Martin, of Hales & Symons, Sonora, the Club will hold its May meeting at Sonora, or whichever point Mr. Martin might choose.

The follou'ing attended the meeting:

C. S. Brace, Stockton Lumber Co.. Inc., Stockton

W. E. Davis, Pope & Talbot Lumber Co., San Francisco

F. M. Donaldson, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton

D. W. Blair, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co.. Stockton

M. B. Nelson, Hales & Symons, Sonora

Fred W. Marshall. Sonori

A. R. Martin, Hales & Symons, Sonora

Chas. C. Moorehead, Moorehead Lumber Co., Escalon

C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Inc., Stockton

R. O. Wilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co.. Oakland

Earl H. Botts, Valley Lumber Co.. Lodi

Jerry Stutz, Atkinson-Stutz Co., Siockton

O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co., Stockton

Clyde Morrison, F.H.A., San Francisco

Wm. H. Winfree, Redwood Manufacturers Co., pittsbure

Tom Jones, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stocktor, "

Jack Little, lfnion Planing Mill, Stockton

Joe Christensen, Manteca Lumber & Supply Co., Manteca laql D, Larsen, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton

J. S. Hardin, Merced Lumber Co., Turlock

C. H. Garner, San Joaquin Lumbei Co., Stockton

T. L. Gardner, Electric Planing Mill, Stockton

O. D. Ruse, Ruse-Blair Lumbei Co., Stockton ..

9eo. Kellam, Pacific Div., The Flintkote Co., Sacramento

Wm. A. Tice, Hill & Morton, Inc., Sacramento

R. S. Fuller, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi

George M. Cornwall, The Timberman, San Francisco

Geo. C. Callander, Radio Service, Stockton

Donald G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Inc., Stockton

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