2 minute read

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New Booklets lssued by Celotex Corp. Discusses lmportance ol Connectors

Five new booklets, "White Rock Magic," which discusses White Rock Gypsum Wall Board for new construction, remodeling and repairing; "Lasting Satisfaction from Anchor Walls," explaining the various applications of gypsum lath and plaster, also the use of balanced walls *iih at chot clips; "For Warm Climates Livable Interiors," which tells the important functions of walls and ceilings in today's livable homes; "Build Better Homes," giving the complete story on safety sealed constructed homes; and "Housing for Farm Profits," emphasizing the value of insulated farm buildings, have been issued by The Celotex Corporation of Chicago, Ill.All the booklets are illustrated by photographs and drawings.

Other sales aids issued by the company include the Certified Analysis Form and the bulletin on Sound Conditioning.

The several applications of Teco timber connectors to railway structures are discussed in a report to the American Railway Engineering Association by their subcommittee on "specifications and Design of Fastenings for Timber Structures."

Speaking of metal timber connectors, the bulletin says: "Without doubt the most important type of connector for timber trestle construction is the spike grid' With these connectors it is possible to develop a much larger portion of the inherent strength of the braces than is practical by other methods and the stiffness of the joints is greatly increased."

Attention is also called to the economical importance of clamping plates for use as tie spacers for maintaining proper distance between ties on railroad bridges and trestles.

N. R. L. D. A. Will Hold Annual M.y 5-7

The annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Asso' ciation will be held in Washington, D. C., May 5, 6 and 7, it was announced by Roger S. Finkbine, Des Moines, fowa, national President.

The organi zation is the national association of 28 regional and state lumber dealer groups, representing more than ZZffi retail lumber Yards and building supply dealers throughout the United States.

Headquarters of the convention will be the Shoreham Hotel in the Nation's Capital. While details of the program have not been completed to date, it is understood the question of low-cost housing and the lumber dealer's part in it will be in line for discussion.

Represents Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co.

O. L. Russum has been appointed California representative of Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Company of Portland.

Mr. Russum, who has opened an office at Room 204, 112 Market Street, San Francisco, has a background of sawmill, logging, wholesale and retail experience. He is well known in California, having traveled the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys for many years for Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., operated his own retail yard at fsleton, Calif., and for some time managed the Santa Barbara Lumber Co., Santa Barbara. For the past seven years he has been on the Atlantic Coast with Shepard & Morse Lumber Co., Boston, his job there including the running of t'ivo sawmills for that concern.

Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co. does a cargo and rail business in all West Coast forest products. Cargo space contracted for in coastwise vessels makes lveekly space for San Francisco available.

Mr. Russum's telephone number is YUkon 1460.

New Firm Succeeds Consolidated Yard At Torrance

The Pioneer Lumber Company has succeeded the Consolidated Lumber Company at Torrance. A. W. Greiner, who has been assistant manager of Consolidated branch yard there, will manage the new yard. Mr. Greiner is well known in Torrance where he has been associated lvith the lumber business for the past twenty years.

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