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How lrumber Irooks

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Seattle, Washington, March 9, L943--:The weekly average of West Coast lumber production in February (4 weeks) was 126,505,000 board feet, or 83.3 per cent of 1939-1942 average, according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association in its survey of the industry. Orders averaged l3z,Dl,W board feet; shipments, t34,D2,m. Weekly averages for January were: Production, 105,869,000 bbard feet (69.7 per cent of the 1939-1942 average) ; orders, 118,27 6,ffiO ; shipments, I16,ffi,m.

The West Coast lumber industry in February staged a remarkable comeback from the midwinter production low. Average weekly production for the month was 20 per cent over the January average, due to a combination of hard work and exceptionally clear, dry days. In the last week of February production climbed to 70 per cent of the September-October, 1942, level. At the rate logs are now rolling in, this upswing is expected to continue.

Government demands for West Coast lumber continue unabated. Tremendous quantities of box and crating lumber are required. No letup in the heavy war demand for ship framing and decking, ponton lumber and other specialty items, is in sight. The War Production Board is asking for West Coast lumber production in 1943 to exceed last year's output. At the end of February the industry was 400 million feet behind. The blockade of snow was broken but there is yet a heavy manpower shortage of 30 per cent in the woods and 10 per cent in the mills. The industry is with the 1942 prodaction, and to driving on, to catch uP pass it.

Portland, March 26.-Pine lumber orders were up more than 19,000,000 board feet last week from the previous week, the Western Pine Association reported today. Shipments and production also made gains.

Orders for the week ending March 20 totaled 89,632,400 board feet as compared with 70,260,000 for the previous week and 70,350,000 for the corresponding week last year; shipments 64,860,000, 63,938,000 and 76,886,000 i production 55,922,m, 53,935,000 and 63,712,ffiO.

The Southern Pine Association for March 13 gave orders as29,297,040 feet, 000 feet, and production25,X)5,000 feet. the end of the week totaled 159,466,000 the week ended shipments 28,301,Orders on hand at feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended March 6 reported orders as 95,729,000 feet, shipments 103,346,000 feet, and production 101,501,000 feet.

For the week ended March 13 orders were reported as 103,291,000 feet, shipments 106,558,000 feet, and production 106,904,00O feet.

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0n The WAR fROtfT And 0n The H0ME fROtfT

Government needs have the right-oI-wcry lor cll criticcrl matericrls, oI which lumber is ol vitcrl import. Our every effort is being expended towcrd lurthercrnce oI the Wcr Progrrcm.

We recrlize, clso, the needs on the Home Front crnd their importcrnce to our decrler lriends; crccordingly we qre endecrrroring to carry on our senrice to the best oI our crbility.

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