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SheYlin Pine Sales Gompany

National-American Annual Meeting- Petet Stone Holds Meetings in No Convention This Year

The National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, on account of war contingencies, will not hold its annual convention this year. The annual meeting however, will be held at the Hotel Biltmore, New York, beginning at 10:00 a.m., on April 12, 1943, for the purpose of electing directors and transacting such other business as may be brought up, as called for in the by-laws.

The board of directors will meet on April L2 and 13, and members finding it convenient to attend the meeting are invited to do so if they wish. Secretary Sid L. Darling states that plans already made call for a strictly business meeting of the board.

Lieut. Templeton Severely Injured

Lieutenant Hall Templeton, of the Anti-Aircraft Service of the U. S. Army, suffered the loss of both legs below the knee, by amputation as the result of falling under the wheels when attempting to board a Key System train in Berkeley, Calif., just as the doors were closing.

His father, Herbert A. Templeton of the Herbert A. Templeton Lumber Co., Portland, traveled by air to reach his son's bedside within a few hours after the operation. Lieutenant Templeton was associated with his father in the business before going into the Army. He was graduated as a second Lieutenant from Officers Training School last October.

Portland and San Francisco of the Office S. Fathman, sawmills at piling proestablishrepresentaFrancisco, of a price

Peter Stone, chief of the lumber divisron of Price Administration, and his assistant, A. held a meeting with representatives of the Portland, March 15 and 16.

They met with representatives of the green ducers in Portland, March 17, to discuss the ment of a price ceiling.

Mr. Stone and Mr. Fathman also met with tives of the wood preserving industry in San March 18 and 19, for discussion of the subject ceiling for the industry.

National Door Manufacturers Hold Annual

Officers elected at the annual meeting and war conference of the National Door Manufacturers Association in Chicago were James D. Rowland, Andersen Corporation, Bayport, Minn., president; Earl Kenyon, The Long-Bell Lumber Co., Kansas City, Mo., vice-president; Alvin F. Baal, Carr, Adams & Collier Co., Dubuque, Iowa, treasurer, W. M. Steinbauer, Chicago, secretary-manager.

Plans by which the millwork industry may increase still further its contribution to the war effort were considered in detail. The members agreed on the expansion of the Association's research program. C. T. Melander, chief of the WPB Millwork Section, Washington, D. C., participated in the war conference-

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