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Lurnber and Shipprng

Joins War Shippins Ollice

Ed H. Harms reported for duty March 23 as assistant director at Los Angeles, in the offices of the War Shipping Administration.

Mr. Harms was assistant operations manager for McCormick Steamship Co. on this coast until the war when he went into the Coast Guard service as a lieutenant commander. He now reverts to inactive status.

Back At Work

Seth L. Butler, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., was back at his desk March 22 alter an absence of three weeks, part of which he spent in a hospital. Henry Winfree came in from Modesto to take his place during this period.

New Retail Concern

Monarch Lumber Co. is a new retail lumber company with offices at 525 Insurance Building, l4O4 Franklin Street, Oakland, and yard at 462I Tidewater Avenue, Oakland, where they handle all West Coast woods.

George F. McArthur is president of the company, and C. R. Buchanan, well-known Northern California lumberman, is secretary and manager.

Cmp Forms

Makers of items designated "Class A" products under the Controlled Materials Plan, may now apply for allotments of aluminum, copper and steel on "one of the simplest Government forms ever devised," a single, letter-size page reduced frgm a four-page sheet, WPB officials said'

Form New Company

W. T. Cooper and V. G. Spalding announce that on and after March 15, 1943, the Wilfred T. Cooper Lumber Co. will be known as the Cooper-Spalding Lumber Co. The firm's office is at 2435 Thomas Street, Los Angeles.

Mr. Cooper has been in the wholesale lumber business in Los Angles for a number of years, and Mr. Spalding has been associated with him for the past five years. Both are well known to the retail lumber trade.

Will Visit Los Angeles

W. W. Anderson, president of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, who attended the war conference meeting of Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California at San Francisco on March 27, will spend a few days in Los Angeles this week conferring with retail lumber dealers, after which he will leave for his home in Ogden, Utah.


T. A. Bonner, San Francisco lumberman, left March 26 for Fort Ben.ning, Ga., to see his son, Robert, graduated from Officers Training School there. Robert was with Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., San Francisco, up to the time he entered the Army. His wife also traveled from San Francisco for the occasion.

Plywood Plant Burns

Fire destroyed the mill of the Oregon pany at Sweet Home, Oregon, March 22. estimated at $500,000

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