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L. t, GARR & CO,

L. t, GARR & CO,


Penbcrthy Lrmba Co., 21155, Eut Slrt St.....................KIEbd! Srrr Popc & Tdbot, Inc., Lubc Divbion, 711 W. Olympic Blvd.............PRorFct tZll

Rcd Rlvc Luntir Co-

?!2 E. Slauu. .CEntury 29o7l l0ill S. Brcadway...............,..PRospcct 03ll

Sal Pcdro Lunbcr Co. lSlt S. Cabal Avc. ............Rlchnond ll4l fo}A Wilnirgtoa Road (Sa Pcdrc) ................,........Su Pcdre 2200

Suta Fc Ianbcr Co., 3rl Fbuclal CGrt?r BldS......,..VAndikc 44?r

Schafc Bror. Lunbcr & Shlnglc Co., ll? I9. ttb Strut...................TRinity 4271

Shcvlln Plnc Sd.. Cr., :Bl Pctrolcu 81d8.......,.......PRorpet 0615

Slnpon Indurtrlc+ Inc., lSlC E. lVerhlngtm Blvd......,..PRocpcct 61E8 srrnrm, E. J. & !loo, 20t0 E.,ll.t St...........,........CEntury 29211


Amslcan Hardwood Co., _ 1900 E. lsth Str6t.....,.,.........Plto.pcct tZ3S Stutm, E. J. & Son,2e5C Eut alrt Srr6t ...,........CEr|rry 292ff

Wertcm Hardwmd lanbcr Co.. 20U Ead lsth Strat........-.,....PRospcct .l6f


Back Pancl Co.mpuy, 310-3U Eart 3hd Strct...........ADur 1225

Calllomla Dor Conpaly, Thc {940 Dlrtrtct Blvd..................Klnbd| 2Ur

Cdliomtr Pan.l & Vmlcr Co. 95ll S. Alancda Str..t.,...,........TRinlty ra5?

_625 R!tran 81ds.....................TRinity f0SS

Holmcr Eurcka Luubcr Co.. fll'?fz Archlt ctr Bldg............Mutud eisl

Hoova. A L-

5225 Wlbhtr. 81vd...................,YOrk 1168

C. D. Joharon Lunbcr Corpontion, ICC Pctrclcu B1d9........,.......PRo.pcd lr05

Cul H. Kghl hqbcr Co., (R. S. Ocgra),

7rr S. Sprlnr St....................VAnd|kc 6033

Roo C. LafilGy (R. G. Robblnr Irnbr CoJ, 1fl W. Olynplc Blvd...........PRorpet 0?24

Sudda & Ghrlrtoroo, Inc., Gtt Bcrd of Tradc Bldg..,.......TRlnlty tt{,| Tacme Imbcr Salcr, t37 Pctrelm Blds...,,..........PRo.pcct lrCt llfcndlhg-Nathan 6., 5225 Wllrblrc 81vd.....,......,........YOrk 1r6t

Wcat Orcgon Lumbcr Co., l? PatroLu 81dS.,......,......Rlchmd Cztf

W. W. Wilkinrcn, 3rt 1l'. 9th Strut.......,..........TR|n!ty a6l!

E. K. Wood Lunbcr Co., 4710 So. Alan.de St,...,,.,.......JEFarro 3lll

Cobb 6. T. M., 5t00 Ccntral Avcnuc..........,...,ADaur llll7 Eub.nk & So, Ine, L H. (Inglryood) a33 W. Redondo Blvd..............ORcron t-lt|l Halcy Brcr. (llenta Mmlca) r52l rlth SE.ct .................,Asbhy l-22tt

Kochl, Jnb. W. & SoD, 652 S. Mycn Strc.t.............,..ANgclur tlgl

Orcgu-Warhington Plywod Cr, 3lt ll|G.t Nlrth Strut,.....,.....Tl,lntty lO3

Pacific Wood Praductr Corporatlon. 360 Tt'bun Strut................AIJuy 0rll

Pacific Mutual Dor Co, 160l E. $rarhiastd Blvd.,...,,..PRosp.ct 95i13

Rcm Copuy, Go. E., a5 S. Alucda Str6t ........Mlch[u lt3l

Rrd Rlva lanlrr Cq, ?02 S. Slauron.. .CEntury 290?l bwrcacg-Phlllpr lubc Ca, @ Pctnlauq Bldt....,.....,,...PRorp.ct tua

'Weycrhaoscr Salc Co., llr9 11/. M. Garland Bldg. ..,...Mlch!u 035| CREOSOTED LT'IIBER-POI.ET}.PILING-TIES

MacDndt Co.. L TY.. '

?ll W. Olynpic Blvd..,...........PRorpcct ?r9l

Mrgporli C Herrlnjtm, Ltd., P_c@lan 81dC...............,, ...PRo.pcct 3lA

Pacific Ianbc Co- Thc t225 WlLhb! B!vd.....................YOrtr llfE

Amcrlm Imbcr & Tnatln3 Co, 1031 S. Brudway.,...............PRorp.ct a3i|

Biltcr, J. H. & Cr6al W.rt sth StrGGt.............. MlchLan @ll Popc & Tdbot, Inc- Lumbr Dlviclm, 7r4 W. Olynpic Blvd. PRoFGt tZtt

Suproa Co. (Paradm), 715 l}o. Raynond Avc..............RYu l-tS

Sinpcoa Indurtrlcr, Inc., Itlt E. \l/arhlngon Blvd.........PRolEcci af!! W..t C,orrt Scccn co., lU5 E$t 63rd Strut..............AI)ur llllt Wcrtcrn Mlll & Ilfimlding Co., 59ll So. l\fG.tm Avc....,.....T1Vimr&r tO

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