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(Editot's Note: Following is the tert of arecent adaertisement which the Sabbte Lumber Company, Southern Pine Manufacturers of Houston, Teras, published, in THE GULF COAST LUMBERMAN. The philosophy contained in the tert was an instantaneous hit with many lumber rnanufacturers, the result being that the ad has been tocked on bulletin boards and, distributed among mill and uoods zt'orkers in many parts of the South. Feeling thot others may wish to benefit by haaing such approved phi,losophy reach their employes, the Sabine Luntber Company utthorize! us to adaise lumber manufacturers anywhere that they are zvelconte to reprint or othenaise make use of the tert, without further permission, and, are at liberty to substitute their oum rntnes if desired. (Signed) lack Dionne.) r lT is not the privilege of every man to go out in the uniform of his eountry, and with "fire and sword" and plane, and tank, and gun, and bayonet, carry the battle to the enemies of civilization.

There is another great army-a less spectacular but vitally important army-that must stay behind and produce, and forge, and construct those things without which our armed forees cannot Fight the Good Fight, nor lV'in the W'ar for Freedom.

There is such an army at each of the Sabine sawmills- Soldiers with Saws-who are nobly engaged in producing Our share of the THIRTY-TWO BITLION feet of lumber that the war effort has demanded of our industry this year.

Let there be no doubt of that fact; that every man who serves diligently and loyally in woods and mill to produce those wooden units that MUST BE PRODUCED to win this war, is serving his God and his Country like any Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or other uniformed man in our Armed Services.

Soldiers with Saws, yours is not just a Job; it is a Sacred Serviee in the Army for Freedom. Consider it as such!

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