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You'll find Douglos Fir Plywood doing impoilonl work in every Boeing B-17 Flying Forfress!
O Douglos Fir Plywood's light weight, greot strength, lorge sizes ond eosy workobility moke it one of todoy's busiest wor moteriols. In ihe field of tronsportotion olone, this Mirocle Wood is helping build plones, ships, omphibion lonks, roilrood cors ond busses. Mony of its opplicotions here ore revolutionory but becouse of them Douglos Fir Plywood will be for more useful to you ofter Victory lhqn ever before.
ftefll "Mock-up" of o proposed Boeing PIone. Thece full-sizc models constructed lorgelY of Douglos Fir Plywood helP engineers Perfecl designs.
(Belowf Douglos Fir Plywood oid: every Boeing Flying Fortrets in its missionr of destruction. Stondqrd equipment includes Plywood comportmenl doors, flooring ond step ossemblies, rodio equipment tobles ond oxygen bottle rocks,
IO HEIP SPEED vr croR,Y the Douglos Fir Plywood Industry is devoting ih entire copocily lo wor produtlion. We know this progrom hor your opprovol.
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3EXD FON WAN $E TOID:R I Dozen: of ocho! pho!ogrcphs show you how Douglos Fir Plywood is oiding thc wor eftort. Write Dougloi Fir Plywood Associof ion, Tocomo, Wqsh., lodoy for your frce copyl