1 minute read

My Ola,rollik Stuul

By /ach Stoarn

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some Less

A Matter of Taxation

Often a storl'tlrives home a ltoirrt ltctter than iL volttnte of logical cliscrrssion. IIere is ottc thitt i11tt,*trate s some phascs of tlre l)rescnt itrcome tltx sittt:ltiou.

'I'hree mcn :rrc <lining togetltcr. I'.:rch of lhetrr opcrates an irrclrtstrial n':Lr plarrt, lLttrl lltc-r"lltcct ()ccltsiottall,r'to rliscttss their nrutultl problems, rtsttltllv at dinner. '['his mceting lastcd sever-al ltours in n-hiclr tinre thev at('. (lritrrli, ilnd talked. Whcn the n.reeting cnrlc<l anrl the check came aroturcl it nas {or tl'ent-r' <lollltt-s.

(lne of thcrn reacherl ior thc check, :Lrrrl s:tirl : "l-ct tttt have it.'I-his is a business nreeting arrrl ['ll prrt it on nt\'

Home Plqnners Institute


in San Jose

'\ I Iome Planne rs Institute luts l>t:cn orgatrized in Satr Jose. It is sponsortrl lr,r' thc citv schools, u'ith the coolr eration of the lunrlrcr rlealers arrd otl're r lrrrildir-rg irtterests.

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