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Willamette Valley Lumbermen Meet

. More than 20O members of the Willamette Valley Lumbermen's Association and their wives meeting in the 17th annual convention'and third war-time conference at Eu.gene, Oregon, on March 17th heard leaders in industry and government discuss vital problems affecting lumber and logging.

"The toughest and hardest part of the lumberman's contribution to this war is just ahead," Colonel W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, told the Oregon lumber group. "Our winning of this war calls for deeds beyond duty. We must work as hard as our boys overseas,"

Commenting on the urgent requirements of selective \6ervice which threatens to take many key men in the 26 to 38 year group, Colonel Greeley said: "Keep fighting to hold your skilled key men. Dig up the evidence which selective servi,ce needs, for lumber production must be maintained if victory is won."

U. S. Senator Guy Cordon, recently appointed to succeed the late Senator Charles L. McNary ,made his first public appearan,ce in Oregon before the Willamette Valley lumbermen. "Keep me informed on your problems," he urged lurn,bermen.

Another speaker was Dean Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business at University of Oregon and chairman of the Oregon State Post-war Readjustment and Development Committee. He told of the problems which would confront industry after the war and what responsibilities industry must assume to insure a smooth working economy.

C. W. Ingham, of the Ingham Lumber Company at Glendal6, was re-elected presideht of the group for the second year. H. J. Cox, secretarv-manager was re-elected for the seventeenth consecuti'r'e year. Other ofificers are: Guy Haynes, LHL Lumber Company, Carlton, vice-president; and Frank A. Graharn, Hills Creek Lumber Company, Jasper, treasurer.

Directors named in,addition to the above are: J. H. Chambers, J. H. Charubers and Son Lumber Company, Cottage Grove; Stewart 'Weiss, West Gate Lumber Company, Sweet Home; T. V. Larsen, Forcia-Larsen Lumber Company, Noti; T. W. Rosborough, Rosboro Lumber Company, Springfield; Kenneth Ford, Roseburg Lumbei Co*pany, Roseburg; and A.A. Lausmann, Tiller Mill and Lumber Company, Medford.

Frcnk O'Connor, Air Ace, Awcrded Air Medcrl

Lieutenant Frank O'Connor, son of Frank L. O'Connor, district sales manager for E. L. Bruce Co., San Francisco, was reported on March 9 to have been awarded the Air Medal. He achieved the rank of ace with his fifth "kill" on February 25, 1943, and got his 7th Nazi plane on March 8.

Lieut. O'Connor is with the Ninth Air Force, in a Thunderbolt fighter squadron in the European theater. Following graduation from San Jose State College, he worked for E. K. Wood Lumber Cb., Oakland, for several months before entering the Army in November 194O. He became an air cadet iust after Pearl Hafbor.

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