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An D Its Products

Car And Cango Shipments

16 C,crlilonaic StreeL Scn Frcmcisco

Telcphone GArlield 8881

Launch National Advertising Program

The United States Plywood Corporation, New York, and The Mengel Company, Louisville, Ky., have launched jointly an advertising campaign, the first national program to develop consumer acceptance of a branded.plywood. Enrbracing consumer magazines in the home field and trade publications in nine difierent lines, the campaign will feature Weldwood Plywood and IVIengel Flush Doors for wood paneled walls, dri-wall construction and flush doors.

U. S. Plywood and Mengel together coyer the entire range of hard and soft plywoods fiom forest and manufacture to distribution and sale. Recently these same companies opened jointly the first in a new chain of warehouses which ultimately will number fifteen or more. LJ. S. Plywood already operates the largest existing plywood warehouse organization in the industry-

Twenty-one full-page, full-color advertisements illustrated by famous artists are scheduled in American Home, Better Homes & Gar'dens, and House Beautiful.

Trade publications already included in the program include Display World, Arts and Architecture, New Pencil Points, Architectural Forum, Architectural Record, Ame,rican Builder, Practical Builder, American Lumberman, Building Supply News, The California Lumber Merchant, Southern Lumberman, Motor Boating, Boating Industry, Wood Products, Railway Age, Product Engineering, Aerosphere Directory and Aviation Year Book.

Direct-mail material and dealer helps will supplement the advertising campaign, according to Richard S. Lowell, advertising manager of U. S. Plywood. Marschalk & Pratt is the agency.

Midwest Firm Buys West Coast Plants

Seattle, Wash., March 14.-The Monsanto Chemical Company of St. Louis announced today the acquisition of I. F. T.aucks,. fnc., of Seattle, manufacturing chemists and producer of plywood glues. Through this transaction Monsanto will acquire the two Laucks' plants in Seattle and other company interests at Vancouver, B. C., Los Angeles, Portsmouth, Ya., Lockport, N. Y., Stanbridge, Que", and interests which Laucks holds in companies in Australia and Sweden

The acquisition of Laucks marks the entry of Monsanto into the Pacific Coast manufacturing field. Founded in 1901 in St. Louis, Monsanto manufactures fnore than 3ffi commodities in the pharmaceutical, plastics and heavy chemical fields, owns or operates 19 plants in the United States and has foreign operations in England,'Wales, Canada, Australia and B:azil.

No changes in the Laucks operating personnel are contemplated, it was announced.

On Ecstern Trip

Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is on an Eastern business trip. He will spend several days in New York City, and then go to Washington, D. C., returning to Los AngeleS about April 5.

Appropricrte Finn Ncnne

Wood, Wood & Wpod operate a in the State of New York. with ingdale.

number of retail yards headquarters at Farm-

His Decision

Two backwoodsmen knocked at the door of another backwoodsman. When he opened the door, one of them said to him:

"Hello, Ed. We. corne across the dead body of a man over there in the hollow, and we thought maybe it was you."

"That so? What did he look like?"

"Well, he was about your build."

"Have on a flhnnel shirt?"


"Wearin' knee or hip boots?"

"Let's see. Which was they, Charlie? Oh, yes, I recall. They was hip boots."

"Hip boots, eh?" said the man in the door, thoughtfully. "Nope. It wasn't me."

Prelimincrry Bound

My drive was strong and my drive was long, And I placed it exactly right, And my brassie, too, through the ozone flew, As straight as an arrow's flight. My lie was mean, but I pitched the green And almost hit the pin, And r0ith eyes half-shut, I tapped my putt And I watched it trickle in !

(Now if I'm that hot when I play each shot, From an easy chair in my den, Just think of my pace and the pars I'll erase When I'm out playing golf again.)

-Phil Stack.

For the Living

I would rather have one pleasant word In kindness said to me, Than flattery when my heart is still And life has ceased to be.

I'd rather have a'loving smile, From friends f know are true, Than tears shed 'round my casket,' When this world I've bid adieu.

So, bring me all my flowers, today, Pink, yellow, white or red, I'd rather have one blossom now. Than a truckload when I'm dead.

A Secret, Mcybe

"Flave you any children?" the lady asked the new cook. "Yassum, I gots one son."

"How old is he?"

"I dunno, lady. Ffe nevah would tell me."

David Swing Said:

Let us get rid of our false estirnates, Set up 4ll the higher ideals-

A quiet home, vines of our own planting, A few gbod books full of inspiration and genius, A few friends worthy of being loved and able to love irt return;

A hundred innocent pleasures that bring no pain or r€morse;

A devotion to the right that rryill never swerve; A sigr,ple religion, empty of all bigotry, Ful of trust and hope and lov+

And to such philosophy this world will empty joy it has. give up all the .:i l

A Wise Reprimcnd

The current Infantry Journal tells a swell story about' ; how a wise colonel taught a careless soldier a le_sson in :; military courtesy. It says that an enlisted man passed a '.,.1 lieutenant colonel in the Medical Corps on the street, looked"'r him right in the eye but failed to salutc. The colonel called , the soldier back, and instead of eating him up for breach of discipline, he said:

"Soldier, I saw you walking down the street toward me' and I thought 'Here's''another chance for me to salute a' fellow soldier.' I wanted to salute you because I think we are the best army in the world, arid I'm proud oI every one of my fellow soldiers. But you didn't salqte me, and it hurt just a little bit. You're not ashamed of being a soldier in ou.r arrny, are you?"

It took the soldier's breath away. After a moment he said: "Just a moment,'Sir."'He walked back about twenty feet, turned arotrnd and came back, and gave the colonel a swell military salute, fashed a grin, and said: "Thank you, sir."

No Compcrnf Wcnted .:

He: "This doctor book says that bathing alon6 will not-,::',: keep you healthy." :;i

She: "Well, no matter what it says, I'll continue to bathe-;,'alone."


Beware of the beggar you put on horseback ! fle will invariably try and force you off thc road.-R. J. Cu'bby.

Another Goldwvnism

When someone remarked to Samuel Goldwyn that his wife had a very beautiful pair of hands,'Sam replied:

"I think so, too. t'ljo*,* n-- bust made of them.'!

Double Tclk

"Wish we had a fifth for bridge."

"You don't need a dfttr for bridge, you dope."

"You mean a pint would do?

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