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BI'FFEIEN FNOI{T DOOH' Rcised PcmelBdsed Mould , V6rtical Grcriu Fir Philippine Mcrhogcny

(Write ur lor pictures ol these doors)

Dnllelen Lbr. & illg.'Go. Tccomc, Wash.

Sth & Cypress Sts., Oakland-TErnplebar 84OO

Order L-33S---Lumber Consumers' l'.'Requiiements

This order requires large lumber consrlmers of lumber to file appljcation with the War Production Board stating their requirements for the second and third quarters of L944 and prohibits them from receiving lumber a{ter April 25, 1944, unless they file their applications. These applications will be used by the War Production Board as a basis for authorizing the applicants to receive lumber, during part of the second and all of the third quarters, under procedures which r,l'ill replace existing procedures under other 'orders. These procedures will be described in a later" revision of this order.

Class 1 Consumer" means any person rvho either received more than 50,m0 boarcl feet of lumber during the last quarter of 1943 or expects that he rn'ill need to receive more than 50,000 board feet of lumber during either the second or third quarters of 1944, for all pur,poses, except :

(I) Operations for r,vhich producers have been assigned serial numbers under Order P-56 (regarding mines and smelters) ;

(II) Operations directly incident to the discovery, development, or'depletion of a petroleum pool as authorized by Petroleum Administrative Order l1;

(III) Resale by a sarvmill or distributor;

(IV) Use outside the 48 states and the District of Columbia; and

(V) Construction jobs which have been expressly authorized by the War Production Board. or by any other Federal agency whose authorization makes it unneces- sary to get permission from the War Production Board for construcfion. This exception does not include those conr struction jobs which do not require the permission of the War Production Board or any Federal agency under Order L-41.

This order for the present in no way affects the manner in which lumber is controlled under other lumber orders and particularly Orders L-218, L-29{l., M-361 and M-364. In other "vords, except for "Class 1 Consurners" all transactions in lumber will continue to be handled as if this order did not exist. Even'"Class Consumers" can make purchase5 and arrange for -delivery of lumber in compliance rvith other applicable orders provided their applications on Form WPB-3640 are filed with the W3r Production Board by April 25,1944. Before the end of the second quarter this order will be amended and new procedures will be established under which all consumers will be authorized to receive lumber.

Form WPB-3640 for use in filing applications under this order may be obtained at any War Production Board district office.


Announcement has been made of the engagement of Virginia Lee Hall and Richardson James Twohy. Both are graduates of the University of California at Berkeley. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Hazel Hall and Lieut. Col: Frank Walliston Hall of Yuma, Ariz. . Her fiance, who is an engineer with the Hughes Aircraft Co. at Culver, City, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Twohy of Los Angeles.

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