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"Olde Tamer" Looks Back
'['hc alrove photogriLph is a grotrp o[ ( )range C]ottntv lutnbermen ancl u'as taken at one of its meetings thirty years ago. Olde Timer brougitt it to our attenticln :rnd u'e are reproducing it, knon'ing it u'ill lte of interest to our readers'
We r'vish to thank l{arrv I-. Lake of tl-re Garden Grove Lumber & Clemerrt Coml;aur', (iiLrden Grove, for the use of the picture.
Here is the rvay Olde Tirner lists the tnemllers of the group u,itl-r tl.reir business ctluuections at that time. He rras not able to identifv trvo of the lumbertlen, and perhaps 1'orr can help us otlt. I)o you kno'nv rvho they are?
Around the outside of the table, left to right:
Mr. Ainsu'orth . Ainsn'orth Lurnber C--on.rpany, Orange
\\rillis Warner San I'edro Lumller Co., Westminster
Nlr. llrou'n . liellflorver l-unrller Co., Bellflou'er
Fkrycl Lake . . llellflon'er f-ttnrtler Co., Bellflou'er
C. I{. Chapman ..C. }1. Chapman l-rtmber Co., Santa Ana
\\,'. T. Bro1,1 . Brou'n & l)auser Co., Frrllerton
C. Ii.Grim . (lanahl-(iriur l-umber Co., Anaheirr
Harry A. I-ake Garclen Grtlve Lttrnber & Cernent Co', Garden Grove
C. L. NIcGiil .. Brorvn & Dauser Co., l-a Habra
S. H. Tingl.y .... Tingley Lun.rber Co.,'Iustin
X'[r. Bryant Griffith Lumller Cio., Norrvalk
Colonel Scofield San Pedro Lumber Co., \\rhittier
W. \\r.Crosier . Nervport Beach Lumber Co., Nervport Beach
Henry Adams Griflrth I-umber Co., Anaheinr
Around the insicle of the table, left to right :
N,Ir. LeNfarquand Fullerton I-umber Co., Fu]lerton
NIr. Smith . Secretzrrl'-Retail Lumber Association
Ild l{oberts Roberts-Olt'er l-umber Co., Santa Ana
Frank Gibbs . . Gibbs l-umber Co', r\naheim
A. W. Griffrth. San Pedro I-ttmber Co., Huntington Beach
Elmer Bruce Ganahl-Grir.r.r Lrtmber Co., Anaheim
A. C. Bon'ers . Griffith Lttmber Co., Santa Ana
S. S. Skidrn()re . . Griffith Lumber Co., Dol'nev \\Iillis \\'arrrer is ntiu' a sttperr-isor of Orarlge County, Floyd Lake ou'ns the Lakeside Builders Store at Lakeside, and Elmer llruce is assist:rnt secretarv of the Salings, Loan and Ruilcling Association at Anaheim.