2 minute read



exl)cnsc:rcc()tlnt. Sirrcc \\'e:tre in an 80% ittcome tax brzrcltct this tn.enty rlollar clieck u ill rtttlv cost nte {ottr tlollurs. "

-[-lre sccorrrl one siti<l: "li th:Lt's tlrc u:t,r'_r-ott fitttrt'it, gire it to nre. \\-e arc irr tlre 90fi inconre tax lrracket, ttnd thc check n'i11 onlr- cost lne tu'tt clollars."

'l'hc third one rcachcrl out anrl gllrlrlrcrl tltc e ltt't'li. Itc s:rirl: "(iet vortr lr:.rn<ls otl' m,r' checli. I'trr oPcrlttirlg ()rr ;l tcn l)er celrt c()st lrlus lrasis:ur<l u'lie'u I pav this clrecli it rvill rnake rre :r I'liOIrl'I Ol-

'l'\\'() I)Ol.l..\liS "

Pine Auctions Held

California I'itre attctiolls wert lreld recerttl-r' as foll,,r'r't: trledford, Orc., llarch 21 ; Klamath Falls, Ore., \'larcli 22; Lakevien', ()re., \,Iarch 23;Bend, Ore., N{arch 24;Spokane, Wash.. I\larclr 23: San lirartcisco, March 24. -t,. w t r5


In Port Security Regiment

When the San Francisco Regiment of the Volunteer Port Security Force, United States Coast Guard, Temporary Reserve, was formed in June, last year, Miss Lois V. Darrow, West Oregon Lumber Company, San Francisco, enrolled. She attended the first Coast Guard Training Institute for women and was inducted into the Regiment as a seaman, first class, in September. She was promoted to yeoman, third class, in October and was advanced td yeoman, second class, in February, 1944.

She works five nights a week in Regimental headquarters where she is in charge of the staff of a special division of the Force. There is no remuneration for this military service, but both men and women are completely uniformeci by the United States government. Enrollment is for thc duration. Her work with the Regiment has been highly commended by her superior officers, and by the District Coast Guard Office.

The San Francispo Regiment, commanded by Commander Roy C. Ward, was the first organized in California, where four regiments are now functioning. There are seventeen such organizations in the United States.

Miss Darrow has been associated with the West Coast lumber industry for a good many years both in Washington and California.

U. S. Coast Gucrrd Furnishes Progrcrm

President D. Normen Cords presided at the regular dinner meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held. March 27 at Hotel Leamington, Oakland.

The speaking part of the program was provided by the U. S. Coast Guard, with short talks on "Dogs For Defense," and "The Port Security Force." There was also a half hour of musical entertainment with the emphasis on comedy. Everett Lewis was program chairman.

Scrcrcmento Hoo-Hoo Club

R. T. Titus, director of trade extension, Wcst Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, was the principal speaker at the meeting of the Sacramento }foo-Hoo Club, held March 15. Mr. Titus spoke on the Home Planners Institutes, and on the outlook for postwar business.

Homer Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove, Calif., president of the club, presided.

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