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Another Schumacher Superior Service
Not all Schumacher Board coming from the immense Los Angeles factories is delivered to the distributors by the railroads.
It is interesting to note the change that has taken place in their delivery methods, in the past two years. For years, all the wall board that was sent from the Schumacher plant on Slauson Avenue in Los Angeles was sent out either in box cars, or was loaded on customers' trucks for the nearLy accounts.
Nou'they have a different system and one that has proven
The mill of the Dempsey Lumber Company, Tacoma, Wash., suffered a $.50,C@ loss by fire March 25, and will be closed for a month while repairs are being made. The main plant was not touched by the flames, but the sorting shed was completely destroyed.
popular with dealers having plants within a one hundred and fifty mile radius of Los Angeles.
Sales Manager Earl Schmidt has developed a dispatch- truck delivery, operating a fleet of high powered trucks that make regular trips to any point within the specified distance limits, carrying loads varying from one to ten tons.
They are offering the dealers a twenty-four hour service and it is making a decided hit with the retailer who heretofore was buying in carload lots.
The truck pictured is one of the fleet, loading for Bakersfield.
George Ipankratz Dies At Seattije
George Pankratz, a leading lumber,man of the Northwest, Cied April 2 at Seattle at the age of 55. He came to the state of Washington sixteen years ago from Manitowoc, Wis. He was president of the Pankratz Lumber Co., owning two mills at Seattle.