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(The Clearing Houce)

This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: s2.s0 per column inch

The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired

Opening For Hardwood Salesman

Southern California hardwood distributors looking for experienced salesman, offer splendid opportunity to right man. Must have these qualifications: Extensive ixperience in hardwoods, thorough knowledge of all domestic hardwoods, and he must know the Los Angeles hardwood-buying trade. Salary will be arranled satisfactory with successful app'licant; car furnislied, and there is a wonderful opportunity for advancement in the position. If interested, communicate with the Los Ange-les ofEce of "The California Lumber Merchant".


Position in California with a Line Yard Company. Eleven years with present employers as Manager of a county seat boint in Milsouri. Record clean. Address Box ,4'-152, care California Lumber Merchant. +15-1


Hinkley Spears & Hayes-Cglliss Type-Single Cylinder Engine 8x30 in.-about 100 H'P.-complete. fn almost nei condition, as was in use only five hours. Address communications to Box No. 557, Modesto, Calif. 4-15-2

Firesh Oppotrtunity

One or two Retail Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Feed and Fuel business for sale. Sales $3000 to $8000 per month' No local competition.

$7000 rial estate and buildings with one, -ten year cheap lease with other. Located 45 ,rn-iles east of Los Angeles in adioinins communities.

Addreis Box ,4'-151, care California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles. 4'L5-2

White Pine Box Factory For Sale

We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-ts-tf


Large Southern California retail yard wants experienced lumber and sash and door estimator to take charge of department. Not necessary to understand reading blue prints but must be well acquainted with general figuring, especially sash and'doors. Position offers good opportunity for advancement and will pay good salary to start, to right man. This is permanent position. Please state experience and other necessary information in application. Address Box F-109, care California Lumber Merchant. 4-15-1

Small Yard Snap

Los Angeles retailer offers small yard on the edge of Los Angeles for sale at attractive price and terms. Total investment would not go over $10,(X)0 and favorable terms could be arranged. Present owner owns ground, which he will lease at low figure.

Yard doing enough business to show good living for one man and can easily be increased by live wire who can merchandise and successfully meet competition.

Address Box F-L22, care California Lumber Merchant.

STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. IIIANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION. ETC., REOUIRED BY TIIE ACT OF CONGIiESS OF of rhq catiforqia f13i*n u Semi-monthty at Los Angeles, Cal.. for April 1. 196. Staie of 'Calilornia -lss. County of Ias Angeles, J Bcfore me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county eforc. said, personally appeared Phil B. Hbrt, r'ho, having been duly sworo according to law, deposcs and says that he is the Managint Editor of The California Lumber Merchant. and that the followins is. to the best of his knowledge aad belief, a true statement of thJ ownership, mansgement (and if a daily paper, the circulction), ctc., of the afori. said publication for the dati shown in thc abovc caption, requircd by the Act of August U, 1912, embodied in section 411. Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: l. That the names and addrcsses of the lublishcr. cditor. managiag editor, and business managers are: Publisher, J. C. Dioane, 318 Centra-l Bldg., Ios Angeles; Editor, J. C. Dionne,3lS-Central Bldg,, Los An. geles; Ma_n-aging Editor, Phil B. Hart,3l8 Ccntral Bldg., Los Angeles; Susrness Managers. None.

2. Ttlzt thC owner is: (If owacd by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immCdiatcly-thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owninc or holdinc one Der cent or more of total amount of stock. If not oined bv a-coroorition. the names and addresses of the individual owners muit be ciien. If'owned bv a 'firm, company, or other unincorporated cmcern, its name and addr6ss, as well as those of each individual_member,-must be given.). J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bltls.. Los Anseles.

3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or moie of total amount of bondj, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None.

4, That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if ani, contain not only thc list of stockholders and security holders as they aopear uoon th'e books of the company but also, iir cases where ihe - itockh6ldcr or security holdcr appears upon .the books of the- ompany as trustec or rn any otner nducrary relatton, the name ol the person or COrDora- tion for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also-that the said two paragraphs contain statements embmcing-affiant's full knowlcdgc end belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and Eccurity holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustccs, hold stock and sccurities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide orncr; and this afiiant has no reason to believc that any other person, agsociation, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock. bonds, or other securities than as so statcd bv him,

5. That the average number of copies of cach issue of this publi. cation sold or distributed, through the maite or otherwisc. to- oaid subscribers during thc six monthJ preceding thc datc ghowo- abovi ir (This information is required from daily publicationc oaly.)

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