1 minute read
A Good Tirne to Restate A Sound Poliry
D)EFORE a single roll of Balsam-Wool l-D was put on the market the Wood Conversion Companylaid down this definite selling policy: '
1. Balsam-Wool building insulation shall be distributed solely through legitimate retail lumber dealers-not through retailers in other lines, mail order houses, or direct to contractors or consumers.
2. Orders for less than carloads will be acceptable-in fact will be urged in the beginning.
.3. Profit of a sufrcient margin will be allowed dealers to enable them to make good money on the line.
4. Standard prices to dealers will prevail under all circumstances.
5. Balsam -Wool will be advertised consistently, sensibly, and truthfully. Dealers will be supplied with result-getting sales helps.
That policy was made over three years agfo. It still holds good.
A good many lumber dealers have told us that this policy represents the kind of protection that merits their co-operation. They've been saying this with orders as well as words.
Note the increase in Balsam -'W-ool sales. Note the increase in new dealers, many of whom bought unsolicited by salesmen
Three years ago Balsam -Wool was an unknown, unsought sideline. Today, for many dealers, it is their most profitable and popular building specialty. fn many places Balsam -Wool is called a staple, a building necessity. Over 90% of. the dealers.handling Balsam -'Wool are already making several turnovers on it a year. Many are making 5 and 6-some as high as 10. Demonstrating what a good product and a good selling policy will do.
If you are not handling Balsam -Wool it is your loss and your customers' as well as ours. We don't believe in overloading or high pressure selling. 'Write us today and we'll be glad to help you get started.