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Inccpatcd under tbc lawe of Callfonlr
J. C. DlmG, Pnr. rnd Tru; J. E. Muth, Vie-Prcr,; A. C. Mcnymu, Jr. Scy. Publchld thc 13t ud lsth of eech notb at 3lt-10-A CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES. CAL. TELEPHONE. VAndtkc .sr5
Entcrcd as Sccmd-clas Dattcr ScptlEbcr'?5,, lfb,, at ttc potoificc at I-c Aagclcs, C.trfonf!, udar Act of Mirch !, fe79.
How Lumber Looks
Lumber production, shipments and ordera during the week ending-March 24 surpassed aII previous records for the year, according to the reports of tfie National Lumber Manufacturere Association fuom72O leading softwood and hardwood mills of the country. Production increased approximate- ly IS'OOO,OOO feet over ;the preceding weelq while orders reached the unprecedented total of 3591689,0OO feet, as compared with 34O'85O,OOO feet for the week before from 715 mills.
For the week ending March 31, in the coftwood gro.np, 345 mills reported: Production, 258,453,000 feetishipmentq 267,039,00O feet; Orders, 264,807,000 feet. The Association's figures show all three itemg far in advance of those of the corresponding week a year ago.
The total lurnber rnovement for the fint ttrirteen weeks in 1928 for all coftwood millr, according to the Association's report, shows: Prod'uction, 31049,4461692 feet; Shipmentq 3,2371727,189 feet; Orders.i 3,472,712,837 feet. As compared with the same period n 1927, orders for the first thirteen weeks in 1928 show a large increare oJer last yeaf,, when orders arnounted to 2185616361701 feet.
For the mills of the West Coast Lurnberments Association, the report for the first thirteen weeks of the year, ghows: Productio,n, 1145611201593 feet; Shipments, 1,391,637,393 feet ; Orders, 1,642,67 0,241 feet.
The report shows the following figures for California White and Sugar Pine for the sarne period: Production, 172,165,00O feet; Shipments, 3O3,389,OOO feet; Orderc, 3O6r837rO(X) feet. Orders continue far in advance. of production.
James M. Brown, Spokane, Washington, prominent lumber operator of the Inland Empire and Hoo-Hoo Snark of the lJniverse, was a California visitor during the early part of the month lvhere he spent several days attending to business matters.While in I-os Angeles, Mr. Brown had a conference with B. W. Byrne, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles district. On his way north, he planned to spend a few days in San Francisco to discuss Hoo-IIoo matters r,r'ith members of the Bay District. Mr. Brown will make a trip to California during the month of May in the interests of Hoo-Hoo, at which time the various districts will stage large Hoo-Hoo affairs.
Sen Frencirco OEcc ll2 Mukct Sbet
7lt sutr Muhr Bld3.
Telaphw Darcnprt &l?t Southcrn
For Southern Yellow Pine, since the first of the year' the report shows: Production, 8991980,459 feet; Shipmentr, 92312521653 feet; Orders, 97013621924 feet.
The total hardwood figure for the first thirteen weekr of the year are as follows: Production, 513,210rofi) feet; Shipments, 513,567,000 feet; Orderc, 536,677,00O feet.
The California market continuer about the same. The volume has picked up, som€ in the last ten days and although prices are well stabilized they show v€ry little change. No. 3 Common fir is rcarce and the market on this item is alittlestronger. Lath is firmwith shingle prices showing no change. The rail market on fir is unchanged, the volurne and prices remaining about the sanre. There are about fourteen million feet of unsold lumber on the docks at San Pedro: approximately 4Wo of this stock contains readily saleable items. There are 34 boats off the Northwest and California run with six boats operating offshore.
Redwood operators report that the market continuee satisfactory. Com,rron stocks are moving well and the mills have a fair volurne of cutting business. Redwood oargo arrivalc at San Francisco d'uring the month of March totaled 24,O72.OOO f*t. Cargo receipts at San Pedro for March amounted to 619931000 feet.
California White and Sugar Pine. The recent rains have improved tfie prospects for boxand common grades in California. White Pine No. 2 Shop is rtronger, othern'ise prices femain tmchanged.
Announcement has been made that the Douglas Lumber Company, of Douglas, Arizona, rvill open a new yard at Phoenix. J. W. Tardy, formerly manager of the Douglas yard and for years secretary,and manager of the company, has been appointed general manager of the company and will be in charge of their new yard at Phoenix.R. E. Webster will succeed Mr. Tardy as manag'er of the yard at Douglas.
Elmore King Visits San Francisco
Elmore King, King Lumtrer Company, Bakersfield, recently spent a few days in San Francisco.