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Hoo Hoo Notes

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Gold Spot Hoo Hoo Club Bay District

.The Gold Spot Hoo Hoo Club held an enthusiastic meeting at Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday evening, April 5. The program and entertainment n'as in charge of the sash and door memlters, consisting of the Southwestern Sash and Door Co. and the Arizona Door Co. W. G. Ramshaw, pre_sident of the Albuquerque, Ne,rv Mexico, gave an interesting talk on the activities of his club and an-d the benefits to be derived from Hoo Hoo.

. Followin_g the meeting. the members votecl that they so- jg"1n to the residence of N. H. (Harvk) Huey whire a birthday.party u,'as in session and rvhere they'were celebiating-the occasion. There n'ill be no more cfub meetings until after the convention of the Lumbermen's Club "of Arizona, at rvhich time the Phoenix Club rn,ill hold a concatenation on the first er-ening of the convention, Mav 17.

Peninsular and San Jose Lumbermen to Meet

The Peninsula FIoo Hoo and Lumbermen's Clubs will rneet at the Hotel St. Clair, San Jose, on Monday evening, lpri! n. R. F. Hammatt. secreiary-manager of the Cafi- fornia Redwood Association. rvill be the "speaker of the evening. Jiin Farley, the Pacifrc Lumber i"-p"ny,*iii show movin^g p-ictures of the lurnber and logging bpeiations of the Pacific I-uml>er Comlranr'.

Holds Concatenation

Snark of the ljniverse M. M. Riner of Kansas Citv was the guest of San Francisco gay District Hoo Hoo at " dittner and concatenation in the Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, March 26.

The attendance included a good sized delegation of East Bay Hoo Hoo, and Supreme Custocatian Cfiarles G. Bird traveled from Stockton to be present at the affair.

An excellent program of entertainment was given during the dinner hour.

Snark Riner addressed the gathering on "The Mission of Hoo Hoo."

Vicegerent Bert Johnson was in charge of the concatenation, and the Nine rvas as follows: Snark, Bert Johnson; Senior Hoo Hoo, W. J. Clarkson; Junior Hoo lJoo, Howard M. Gunton; Bojum, Paul E. Overend; Scrivenotor, L. J. Woodson; Jabberrvock, C. C: Stibich; Custocatian, Henry Meyer; Arcannper, Edward Tietjen; Gurdon, Robert S. Grant.

The kittens initiated into the mysteries o{ Hoo Hoo were George R. Kendrick and E. H. ilarr.ns, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.; F. W. Whitehead, J. H. McCallum; Carl H. Horvard, Otis-McAlister & Co.; R. Y. Hanlon, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association; C. A. Warden, Warden Bros.' Planing Mill, and Z. H. Ivlauvais, Sunset Lumber Co.

D. K. Shanks, accountant, ll2 Market St., San Francisco. 'rvas reinstated.

Redwood Pipb And Tanks

We have manufactured and installed PACIFIC Tanks, Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.

Send for catalogs, prices and information.

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