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(Thc Clcaring Houte)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to BuY
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow \Mho Wants to Hire
Rcrc; t2.50 per coturna inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Middle-aged man desires connection with good retail lumber yard as Manager or Assistant Manager.- Fifteen years' experience in the lumber business. Last five years with preJent employer, two years as (Jffice Salesman and Yard-Foreman. -Reason for changing, no chance for further advancement. Best of references from present employer. Box C-252, California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Lumberman Available
Capable of managing large yard. Or will stimulate sales in brlnch yards in Southern California. Publicity methods of his own are worth while for your business. Telephone Terrace 7883 or address Ilox C-253, care of California Lumber Merchant.
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. IVIANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, - ETC., REOUIRED BY TIIE ACT OF CONGRESS OF or rhe carirorn" ""-*liYll"X, it"tii*n.u Semi-monthly et Lor Angeles, California, for April 1st,1929.

Statc of €alifomia - I '. Countv of Iae Anceles. J -- Ello* mi. i tlotarv Fublic in end for the 9tatc and coutrty .forc' said, pcrsonaliy eppearid J. p. Martint wh-o' having been duly sworn
;;c;tdh;-a; iaw,-'aiposei and raye that hi is th!--ManagipS Editor of Thc ealifornia'Luirber Mcrchant, and that thc following is' to -tFe 'ocst of his knowledge aad belief, a true stat€ment oI the owrershlp' m.ti.gi-i"1 (and if -a daily papei, the circulation), etc., of thc aforc' said oublication for the date shown in the above caption' req-ulrcd bv thi Act of August U, 19t2, embodied -in-3ect-io! 411' Postal LawE aid Rcculations. Drintcd on thc revcrsc oI this lgrm' t-o wlt: f. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. r.- That the two paragrapha ncxt above, giving thc nqEcs of thc o*nirs. itockholders,-and- sicurity holdcrs,'if ani, contaia not onty the lirt of rtockholders and security holdcrs as thell appeal ,upon thc books of the companv but also, in caacc s-hetc thc ttockholdcr or rccuritv holdcr apbcarr upo! tbc books of thc comDattt al trustec or in iay othcr Fduciary iclatien, thc name of tlc ttcJloo -or @rDora' tion for whorn such trustcc ir 8ctin8, is giv-a-n; llso- thst thc taid two i"radriohJ coniain slatcmcnts cnbr-Ccin8-cf6o'nt'r full knowlelgc- rnd 6iii.I-;; tL thi circumstanccg and coodiCions under which rtoclholdctr a"d-ieiuritv hotders who do not appcar upon thc bookr of-thc qompr-lt ac trusteer. hold rtock and rccuritics in I capacity other than that oI a boni 6di oivair: ind thir afiiant har no reason to bclleve that-any othgr oirson. aaaociation. or corDoration has any intercst direct or indirect in itri-iaia-itoct<, boidr, or 6ther securiticg'tha-n as-sq stated-bY-him.-
.ut,t";.111'f ljr,1?T?"1ilo".?o,o::".1"'""1t'',*.*illaT"r''$f ''3rtt"xTlj btAr:.'Id! enretcE Edito-r, J. C. Dionne' 3l8-Ccntral Bldg.' Los An' cele;i MilagitE Editor, J.'ts. Martin, 318 Central Bldg', Los Angeles; Business Managers, None. --2:-tttai-tlE-oinir is: (If owned bv a corpotation, its namc and address must be Etated and also immediately thereunder the nam€s and addresses of stockholders owning or holding oae pc! cent- or more of total amount of stock' If not owned by a corporatiqn' thc -n?m€3 and addrcsscs of the individual ownerg must bc given' It o$'ned- -by a 6rm. comoanv. or other unincorporatcd cmcern' its name and address' ai rirell ai thoie of cach individual mcmber, must be given.)
3. itrat the' koown bordhol-dirg, mortlageer, aad othcr recurlty holders owning or holding I Der ccnt or morc of total amount of b-o-nds. -oitcecis. oi-oihei secu?itici are: (If there are none, so statc.) lione.
---S.-Ttrat ttre ivcrigc nunbcr of copice of cach isruc o! this pub[: catioa sold or digtriblted, through thc -.mailr, or- othcrtilc' !o Drid subrcdberr dqling-t!e tix.Eonths pr,ccc.dlrS the.datc rhom rbovc lr
Palo Alto Lumber Yard And Planing Mill For Lease Or Sale
Fully equipped, small mill, nerv machinery, electric blower, large storage shecls, office yard for half million feet, trucks, etc. Wonderful opportunity'. No other mill in city. Mayfield Mill & Lumber Co.,2349 El Camino Real, Mayfield, California.
Experienced Collector Would Like To Take On Several More Accounts
Experienced collector now with building material firm would like to take on several more companies. 10 vears experience in Los Angeles collecting from contractors and building material companies. Has ability to file liens and carrying them to completion. Can furnish excellent references. Box C-251. care California Lumber Merchant.
State Association Move Main Office to Garden Grove
At a recent meeting of the full board of directors of the California Retail Lumberrnen's Association, it was unanimously agreed for economic reasons and for the convenience of the president in handling the affairs of the association, that the main office rvill be hereafter located rvhere the president resides and will follow his successor to rvhatever town in which he may live. With this in view, the directors decided to abolish the office of secretary and devote the funds to engage a field manager rvho will work under the immediate direction of the president and the board of directors.
With the closing of the San Francisco office, the association headquarters will be moved to Garden Grove, the home of President Harry A. Lake. At an early date, the board of directors will announce the appointment of a field manager.
R. O. Wilson, of the R. O. Wilson Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor to the Northwest, when he spent 10 days visiting mills on the Columbia River and Gravs Harbor.
A. C. Horner, San Francisco, manager of the western division of the National Ltrmber Manufacturers Association, has left for the East t'here he will spend a few weeks on association business. He rvill visit Pittsburg and Washington, D. C., ahd will also attend the annual cbnvention of the National Lumber Nlanufacturers Association at Chicago on April 24, 25 and.26.

.rg, a$, lumber
products . , . is a three-fold sales point: It means customer satisfaction -it brings repeat business-i1 assures fair profits to the dealer from buyers who seek quality, knowing that they pay the price of good lumber whether they get it or not.
Beauty, minimum of labor in laying and durabiliw are three imDortant qualidcations of Long-Bel[ trademarked oak flooring. And, because of these qualifrcations ., economy! The first-time user is almost invariably a repeat-customer, for exoerience Droves its economv and ^satisfaction, Dealers are friding Lone-Bell trade-marked flooring one-of the most steadily profitablE items in stock.
Sturdy, well-built doors made throughout of California '$?hite Pine such are the Long-Bell doors which find favor with builders not only because of their construction, but, too, because of their ease of fitting and hanging, the fne surface which takes all finishes perfectly, and many other practical advantages,